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A universe unlike others contains a special planet with a species unfound. Altea. Which holds Lance, Prince Lance of Altea. Who is second in line to the throne, his sister, Princess Allura is first. Lance has short dark hair, a bit wavy, he is what girls of Altea call gorgeous. Allura has long wavy blue-ish white hair, she is what boys die over.
Prince Lance likes the woods more than anything else, he loves exploring them. Just being able to walk around freely, animals welcoming him, disappearing among nature. It was calming to him. Except when you fall.
Water had recently drenched the ground when Lance went exploring that day. He walked his usual route, when he noticed a newly opened path. It looked like it was seemingly opened by the water. He decided to follow it without much thought, resulting in the sudden downfall. He had slipped on a new slope that the water had created, covering his pants with mud. He ended up falling face first into the ground, the taste of mud and dirt overwhelming.
"Are you okay?"
Lance pushed his hands against the ground near his head, lifting himself up. He coughed the entire time as he did, slight mud returning to the ground. He looked up to see who had spoken to him, saying how this area is entirely unexplored.
He saw a hand reaching out to him, to help him up he assumed. It was too dark to see who it was. He reached out and grabbed their hand, "Yeah, thanks."
"That was a hell of a fall," The person said, looking upward. Lance could see the outline of their face; they had bigger ears and what appeared to be a mullet. Maybe.
"I think there's still dirt in my mouth," Lance spat at the ground.
The person chuckled, "Here, there's a way out over here, there's also a nice view of the sunset."
Lance followed the person unquestioning, before realizing. He's never heard this guy's voice before, and as prince he's heard almost everyone's voice, "Do you live here?"
"What?" The person stopped walking, turning to Lance out of shock, "I just, I've never heard your voice," Lance tried to explain.
The sun started to peer through the trees as it fell closer to night. The sun was starting to set, and it was beautiful through the trees. Now, Lance could see the person's face whom he has trusted this entire time.
He did have a mullet like he had guessed, his ears were also bigger but were purple. Just like his skin. Galra marks trailed up both of his cheeks to his eyes which were yellow and cat like. He was a Galra, on Altea, this is bad. But he seemed to be Lance's age, thirteen.
Lance knew that not only was he able to see that he was Galra, he could see that not only was he Altean but was the prince. The Galra backed away cautiously and shocked, his eyes darting from left to right then back at Lance. Looking for a way out, Lance concluded.
"I-I swear I was trying to help not hurt you," He stuttered, tripping over words, "just please, please don't hurt me."
Lance stared at him. Everything he was told about Galra was how aggressive and ruthless they are. They could care less about what you think. Also, they are like this all their life, it's not taught, it's just there. That's why there must be executions held, public executions. Because Galra are always bad. That's what Lance knew; he was taught since he was born. He believed that.
Until now. A Galra kid stood before him, scared and practically begging for his life. He wasn't lying either, he knew this way, it leads to a road near the castle. His dad wouldn't mind if he let him go... right?
The Galra looked like he was about to cry now, so Lance did what any mentally okay person would do. He went to give him a hug. The Galra took a step back at first but couldn't take another since the forest was right behind him.
Lance wrapped his arms around the Galra, pulling him into a tight hug. At first, he seems to reject it, before hugging back. The relief washing over him was visible and quite obvious to Lance.
Once the Galra let go, Lance spoke, "I'm Lance, by the way."
"Oh, uh, Keith," He stuttered, most likely still recovering from shock.
Lance looked over to see the sun even closer to disappearing for the night, melting into the horizon, before looking back at Keith, "Okay, well I hope I get to talk to you again, Keith."
Keith stood for a second after Lance left, before running back into the depths of the forest he calls his home.

And that's the story on how they met. Things have changed in the past four years. Keith no longer has to live in an unknown area of the woods, which was recently explored. They found a Galra pod and set an exploration team to look for the Galra in a day. Because of this Keith has moved to Lance's old playhouse in the woods, since most stay away from that area since it's royalty property. Also, no one really likes the woods as much as Lance does in the royal family. So, Lance saw it as a perfect place to hide his Galra best friend, who everyone wants dead.
Not only has that changed, but the lions have also returned to Altea. Only a few paladins have been found. Yellow, green, and black. The green lion has traveled from earth bringing two humans, Pidge the green paladin and Shiro the black paladin. The Bulmarian Prince, Hunk, is the paladin of the yellow lion. Two, blue and red, still need to be found to properly form Voltron.
Lance walked out of the castle carrying a tray of leftover food from dinner. Since it was nightfall, he was able to carry the food out to the forest without being questioned.
"Hey, Lance," Keith greeted him with a smile.
"Hi," Lance responded, giving the tray of food to Keith who was sitting on the couch, "Here."
Lance sat down on the floor, and looked up at Keith, his back to the opposing wall of the couch, "How was your day today?"
Keith looked down at Lance, a slight blush ran across his face, "The usual, boring without you."
Lance smiled, "Yeah, same here. Hanging out with you has to be the highlight of my day."
Keith turned a bit redder at this, but managed to turn it into a joke, "Me? It's not flirting with every girl in a ten-mile radius?"
"No," Lance laughed, "and I'm just trying to find someone to fall in love with, man. Got to find my soulmate."
"None of them are worth your love?" Keith joked.
"They're all worth love, I'm just trying to find someone special. Not really in love with anyone right now, though," Lance responded.
"Well, how do you know? When you're in love with someone?" Keith asked, a tone changing, making the conversation not as joking but more serious.
"I don't know, happier to see them, maybe. Someone that makes your heart race, or someone who you can go to for anything. Or maybe someone you'll do anything for. Someone you'll support all the way, even if it hurts you. I don't know," Lance ranted, coming to the realization he doesn't really know what love is.
Keith stared at him wide eyed, "Oh."
"What?" Lance looked back up at Keith, his gaze had previously fallen to the floor. But he quickly stood up, after realizing he was sitting right in front of Keith.
"Nothing, I think I'm going to go to bed now though," Keith avoided eye contact, "good luck on your soulmate thing though."
"Yeah thanks," Lance walked to the door awkwardly, the air felt heavy, "Night."
Keith nodded and Lance closed the door.
That was weird, Lance thought, thinking back on Keith's behavior, before his mind brought him back to where he sat the entire time. Why did you sit there?!
Lance continued to criticize almost everything that happened tonight, when his thoughts were abruptly interrupted.
"Lance?" Lance jumped at the voice and turned around quickly to find Allura, "Oh sorry, but you came back late."
"My bad," Lance said, returning back to his normal self, recovering from the shock.

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