(BLUEYCAPSULES) Dave Miller x Reader

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you know who you are

this next one

was made
for you.

Male reader
Word Count : 2479

You walked behind Dave, listening to him ramble some nonsense about the country. And oh, you sneaky little perv, quit staring at his ass. He turned around with that bold smile and a gap in his teeth. "So, Whaddya think?" God, that thick country accent was adorable. (please make it stop😭) You were too caught up in staring at his beautiful golden locks to answer. "Aye, Eart' to Y/N?" He questioned still using that over the top country accent that you so desperately loved. You needed this man so badly, didn't you? (you know who you are.)
"I ain't gonn' ask again..." You simply just continued to stare into his beautiful eyes. The way they glistened in the lights of the pizzeria, the way he was glaring at you and twitching his eye. Wait, he's glaring, shit. "I- Uh- I loved it!" Dave just looked at you with a confused look. "I was askin' if you'd take this mighty fine upgrade here..??" And you fucked up. Once again. Sigh. "Yes- I-I'd love to!" Any opportunity to work with him was a pleasure to you. Simp. "Good choice! Now, let's get yer to Phillerp's office to discuss pay rates n' everythin'." As he started walking again, you couldn't help yourself but stare at him. God, you couldn't help the thought of him being under you. The thought of him loving you. But hey, maybe by the small sliver he cared about anyone, perhaps you were one of them. Suddenly, Dave veered to the left to the back room. Odd. You shook it off and followed him, assuming it was some short way to Phil's office. How wrong could you possibly be? You walked in and didn't see Dave anywhere. Behind you, the door locked. God damn, your heart rate jumped up to 108! (For people who don't know that's when you start breathing quickly I think the normal heart rate is like 90 too lazy to look it up) "Why so jumpy, darlin'?" Dave pulled out a lighter and walked closer to you. "Dave... wh-what the hell are you doing?" Your voice came out as a hiss as you looked down on the shorter man. I mean, you weren't going to take down the offer to be with Dave alone in a room. Horny bastard I am. You thought to yourself. Mostly because you are, and don't get defensive earlier you were staring at his ass. "I just wanted to show yer something!" He pointed his light over at the wall, but nothing was there. "..eh.. where's the damn things...?" He looked a bit panicked now. It bothered you that something did that to him.. overprotective. You wrapped an arm around him. "I'm sure it will be fine." You said to him, pulling him a bit closer to your chest. (ur like idk 5"8 and he's 4"11 yeah) You could tell that he was blushing a bit, probably not used to this. "Y/N- I-I- What're yer tryin' to do here..?" He looked up at you with a nervous grin. Finally, you had your chance with the short bastard! You just hummed to yourself, walking over to the light-switch. Poor David, he's just getting dragged along. "There! Much better, I would say myself." Perfect, no one else was in here, not even those animatronics. Just a table and some dusty old chair. "Y-Y/N... killing me.. or at least trying to... will not go the way you want it to..." This was the first time you had heard him speak without such a heavy Texan accent. "Dave, why would I possibly want to hurt you?" You guided him to the chair and he sat down in it. You could clearly see the fear in his eyes. "I thought you knew... I- Erm- So, what're yer wanna do now? We should be head in' to phillerp's offi-" (GOD I LOVE CUTTING THEM OFF IN THEIR SENTENCE) You silenced him by kissing him. Omg gay skittles in a back room that's locked. You saw his eyes widen and his pupils dilate, one being smaller then the other. You broke off the kiss, looking back at him with lust filled eyes. "Y/N! W- We-.. I-I- we're- you- I- I- th-this is wrong!" He complied with a whine to the edge of his voice. God, he was driving you over the edge of your patience. "What's so wrong about it, darling?" (Whdjdidbdidbksjd I'm sorry) He blushed even more, looking away from you with a gaping open mouth. You grabbed his chin and forced him to look back at you. He grabbed your wrist with both of his hands, his pupils flicking back to look at you. He was blood red at this point, for god's sake, stop teasing the guy. "Y/N...." You got closer to his face and leaned next to his ear. You whispered into it, "You're going to have to say a lot more then my name to get what you want.." You hissed, making him whimper. (god why did I do this)

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