Mine. (dave miller lmao)

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dave miller fanfic for my friend who hates me

I'm not doing so well mentally....
but it's great!!!!!
I'm literally on the urge of loosing it all.
But I need the attention I guess.

very short lol!!!

just reader. Male gay skittle
Word count : 682


You watched as Dave walked out of the office, blushing, followed by some bitch who was clearly just flirting with him. You watched as she tried to give him a kiss, which you interrupted. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? I'll fuck you right in front of this bitch if I have to!"

"I- N-No-! I- I didn't mean-" You grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the office, locking it behind you. "Please- Please I'm sorry-!" You didn't answer and pushed him against the wall, digging your nails into his skin. Using your unusually big hands, you pushed his head up so you could see his neck. "You will be sorry." He looked at you scared as fuck before you bit down on his neck making him moan loudly.

"Ack! Y-Y/N don't do th-" You bit again, biting so hard it would definitely leave a mark. David kept moaning loudly, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. "Feels better then that bitch could ever do, doesn't it?" Your hand moved itself to his dick area. (Idk how to say that fancy..)

"Y-Yes- It doe-does-" You backed away from him, leaving him to look at the marks you left, groaning. "I'm not doing all the work. Strip." Dave looked up at you with a ah shit your fr look and nodded, taking off his clothes. "Beautiful, darling! Now, do it. Show me how it's done :> " Sitting back, you nodded at his exposed tiny cock.

"I-I- Are you- A-... F-Fine..." You watched him basically pleasure himself, taking notes of all the little movements and pace. "F-Fuck... Y/N... don't just stand there a-and stare... please please please..." You didn't answer him and kept watching. This is what he gets for flirting with that other bitch. You could tell by his excessive whimpering and whining that he found this painful, and you didn't care at all.

With a huff, you grabbed his hair and yanked him towards you, making him moan loudly. I swear, everything you do makes this man moan. "Enough." He took his hand off and whined in your grip. "What? You already miss the feeling of someone giving you a handjob?" He nodded frantically, thinking that you would do it for him. Spoiler alert : you will.

You pushed him onto the ground, still having a good grip on his hair. "I'll teach you a lesson."
Kissing him deeply, you reached your hand down and grabbed his dick, stroking it at an even pace. "G-Gah!" He gasped and groaned at your sudden action. Dave jerked his hips forward into your hand to get more attention. You sped up before suddenly stopping.

"N-No! Please... please Y/N..." He fell onto his knees, his hands catching him as he looked up at you pleading. "Please! Please please I'll be a good slut I promise! Only for you! Y/N!" Dave looked desperate and you could tell by the whine in his voice that he wanted attention badly.

You pushed him onto his back against the wall, pulling his legs apart. With a huff, you hoisted his legs onto your shoulders and wrapped your mouth around his member. You started at a slow pace, teasing him and humming while you were bobbing your head. "A-Agh.... Just like that darlin'..... please... hnk.... Faster...!"

For once you didn't fight him and sped up your pace, making him moan even more. You continued until he came into your mouth, as you swallowed all of it. You dropped his legs and cleaned him and any spillage up.

"I told you I was better then that bitch."


woohooo this has been in my drafts for so long also don't mind the first part I'm fine...

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