Chapter 1: Spider from Hell

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    Authors Note: This may be a lengthy chapter, as it will introduce the backstory of the inserted spidersona I've made aka the female character of this story.

      Alright, let's do this one more time. My name, is y/n l/n, I'm a second year university student and just started off as a police officer for the NYPD.  An explosion which subsequently became a huge fire alerted my department to the scene, and I was called in to follow and inspect along with them, almost as a form of training since I'm a rookie cop.

     The explosion caused such a huge wave of destruction that it took a lot longer for the fire department to arrive than originally anticipated, meaning that it was time for the NYPD to take this on. Go in, rescue as many survivors as possible, get out. That was the plan, and nothing else. During my search of the flame-engulfed, partially standing laboratory, I felt a sudden prick on my upper right bicep. That prick was what did it. The bite that changed it all.

    Within the fiery confines of this lab, I was bitten by a radioactive spider that had escaped its enclosure, and survived the blast. This was no ordinary spider though. The radioactive arachnid went through a change of sorts, with the initial blast being the activator of it all. The spider fused with the element most prevalent around it at the time of the blast: fire. Now, it's radioactive nature, was coupled with a fiery genetic makeup.

    And oh did I find that out soon. That small prick that I simply swatted away, quickly turned into a burning of my bicep, then my tricep, then my entire right arm felt like it was on fire. The pain was so excruciating I dropped my gun and instinctively went to grab my arm. The pain suddenly increased tenfold, as if an explosion happened within me, shooting strikes of whipping pain all throughout my body.

    I fell to the floor, my legs giving out from the pain, knees buckling at the feeling of what could only be described as experiencing a every cell within my body light aflame. I screamed and snarled in a pain that was almost torturous, foam forming at the corners of my mouth, eyes rolling back.

   It was excruciating.

   My throat felt like it was closed shut, and while my lungs ached to breathe, they also burned in a way so agonizing that I may have very well chosen never to breathe again if it meant not feeling the pain from them expanding to let the air in.

    My teammates were nowhere to be seen, and through the chaos, my screams and gargles for aid went unheard. I clawed at the cement floor, feeling this dreadful, burning feeling build and build and build, and then-


  Another explosion which had been heard and seen from the outside of the wreckage occurred. When followed to its root, there I was, lying still, on the ground. Covered in sweat, dirt, and minor injuries, but alive.

     By then, the paramedics and fire fighters were at the scene and promptly carried me up and out of there towards the hospital. While my fellow officers and superiors chucked it up to one of the machines igniting and blowing up, it wasn't actually that.

It was me. I was the explosion.

     Remember how the first explosion was like the activator for the radioactive spider fusing with the flames? Think of it like that, but with me this time. The spider's radioactive makeup combined itself with my own, fire within it and all, but when it happened, another reaction occurred, essentially activating it once again, for the final time, organically and from my own body.

   And just like that, the spider's initial fiery radioactive cells, became fused with my own new fiery cells. And just like that, at that very moment in time, the universes collided in such a way that I had become the one, the only:

World's Collide: Miguel O'Hara x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now