Chapter 1

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Mark felt his chest heave as he held back a sob for the hundredth time this morning. He rubbed his sore eyes, brushing his hand over his stubble. It had been two days since he had spoken to Wilhelm who broke the news of Hazel's death. He had locked himself in his room since then. He didn't want to eat. Heck, he didn't even want to breathe. He expected his heart to stop at any moment from the heartbreak. He felt he would deserve such a death for causing Hazel's. If only he didn't push her away. He wouldn't have if he had an inkling he would still be alive. He wasn't sure for how long or how long he would be behind fences, but it was a better outcome than he had expected thus far. A knock on the door pulled him away from his thoughts.

"Mark, I brought you breakfast," said James on the other side.

Mark slowly walked over to the door and wordlessly opened it. He returned to the bed as James sighed. He was sure it was over his tray from last night that remained untouched.

"You have to eat."

Mark continued to stare at the floor, numb to the lecture James started to give him on the importance of eating.

"Do you really think Hazel would want you to be this way?"

Mark looked up at James at the mention of her name. He felt his eye twitch as he held back the mountain of emotions. Grief, sorrow, sadness, pain, and so many others.

"I can't live on without her," choked Mark.

"Take it one day at a time. And one bite at a time, for that matter. Take a few bites of breakfast and go out for a walk today. You need a change of scenery from this dreary room."

Mark glanced at the breakfast tray, not very interested in what was on there. But he knew James was right. Hazel would be upset if she saw him this way. He never wanted to make her sad. Before his thoughts could spiral down a path of remorse, he picked up the fork and forced down a bite of eggs. Usually, the taste of powdered eggs was bland to him. But, today, it tasted as rich as fresh farm eggs how long it had been since he had tasted food.


Hazel stared across the horizon, enjoying the sunset over the Atlantic waters. She couldn't believe she was on the last leg of her journey to find Mark. Although Klaus reminded her almost daily that it wouldn't be easy. Canada was taking in European refugees escaping the post-war turmoil by the tens of thousands. The difficult part was getting into the United States that was not accepting refugees. Gertrude's appearance, although improving, would be a red flag. Klaus had a contact in Canada that would be sure they would make it in the United States, but it was still a gamble crossing the border. Then there was the journey to Colorado to find Mark at Camp Trinidad. She hoped he was faring well, not knowing what living conditions he was having to endure. Her heart sunk with the thought of him possibly being executed or imprisoned for the rest of his life for his crimes. That was still a possibility.

Klaus was still not willing to discuss Mark's past. Not yet. Hazel's stomach turned as the boat hit a wave and the thought of Mark's darkest secret hit her simultaneously. Wilhelm's words about Mark's involvement with Lidice came to mind:

All the men were murdered on a single day. Lined up and shot, over and over again. Women and children separated. The children put in a gas chamber at one camp. The pregnant women were forced into abortions. And, the women were sent to a place you have been before. Ravensbrück. I'm sure you remember that place.

Hazel shivered, unable to get the images out of her mind. Her stomach twisted again, not from the water but from apprehension. She loved Mark, but she wasn't sure if she could get past this. She was never aware of the magnitude of the deaths he was responsible for.


She jerked her head back to see Gertrude smiling softly at her.

"Are you okay? You have been out here for quite some time."

Hazel nodded, realizing it was now nightfall as she looked around. She had been lost in thought for so long that she didn't notice.

"Still conflicted about Mark?"

Hazel sighed and nodded. Gertrude could always read her like a book.

"I'm just as disgusted as you. But this was before he met you."

Gertrude had a point. But the sickening feeling he had done such heinous crimes to her people and somehow spared her made her feel not only guilty but, well, disgusted. Just as Gertrude had said.

"Finding Mark must be better than staying behind with Wilhelm. His vigilante lifestyle is not something I want to be a part of," said Gertrude, pulling the shawl around her tighter.

"How far do you think he will go with it? He threatened to find us,"

Gertrude shrugged. "He knows people. Much like Klaus, it seems."

"Where is Klaus?"

"He's talking to some lady," said Gertrude, as she rolled her eyes.

"He's going to blow his cover if he keeps sleeping with any female passenger charmed by him," said Hazel with a sigh.

"It's how he copes."

Hazel felt a twinge of guilt. She knew she was the cause of Klaus smoking like a chimney, drinking excessively, and wooing any woman within a fifty-yard radius. Her eyebrow raised as an idea struck her.

"Hazel, what are you thinking?"

"Klaus won't tell me anything about Lidice or Mark's past. Maybe he will if he's drunk."

Gertrude's eyes widened up in surprise. "No, Hazel. Klaus said he would tell you in time."

"Klaus is so cunning that 'in time' could mean on his deathbed. I need to know before I see Mark again."

"We have time, and you could always ask Mark yourself."

"I promised to marry him. He shared his guilt with me before, but nothing like this. I need to process this without my judgement clouded with just the sight of him."

"I guess you're right. But you still need to wait for Klaus to tell you in his own time."

Hazel was already plotting how to get Klaus drunk, what questions to ask, and where to do this. She was tired of being patient. That's all she has been told to do for months and she would have never found where Mark was if she listened. She had to know. Tonight.

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