Gene: Hey Girl, so how did it go last night? Yall hook up?
Unique: Something like that
Gene: Awww shit now!
*Unique smirks & chuckles*Gene: You like him don't you?
Unique: yeah man
Gene: Awwwwwwwwwww Lawd!! Tell me how it went
Unique: Well it started with me pushing him away cuz he kept coming on to me and he just wouldn't leave me alone so I gave him a chance
Gene: ohhhh my
Unique: Yes girl and he's a Good kisser
Gene: Well your Good kisser is Coming down the hall so Ima let Yall bake the cake
Unique: ha ha okay, catch up with you later
Dre: Hey Beautiful
Unique: Hi
Dre: You Enjoyed yourself last night?
Unique: Yes
Dre: That's Good, hey we're having a movie night for the seniors tonight, would you like to come along?
Unique: Sure
*"The conversation continues as Tremaine comes down the hall and sees them talking"*
Cj: Aye there goes yo girl with Dre again
Tremaine: Nigga I ain't blind, I can see that
Cj: well your blind to that fact that he's Mr. steal Yo Girl right now, and you ain't doing shit about it
Tremaine: Shut the fuck up Cj, ion see you with no girl, I'm starting to think your gay
Cj: You know what fuck you, I'm just waiting for the right one
Tremaine: Uh Huh, I hear you
Cj: Anyways, If you real you'll go over there and tell her how you feel straight up
Tremaine: iGhtt bet it up
*"Tremaine makes his way to unique & Dre only to discover them kiss. After they Get through kissing she sees Tremaines face of disappointment and watches him walk off"*
Cj: What happened
*No comments from Tremaine as he continues his way to class*
"7th period comes and Unique walks in class and finds out that Tremaine isn't in class"
Unique: Aye Cj, you seen Tremaine?
Cj: Nahh I only talked to him before the bell ringed for 1st period
Gene: What's up with your Bestfriend?
Unique: I don't know, I'm worried about him now
Cj: He probably left school
*Then suddenly there's a knock on the door*