*Alarm Clock Goes off*
Tremaines Thought bubble: I ain't Getting up man, I don't wanna go to school today.
Moms: Tremaine why are you not up and ready for school!
Tremaine: Moma I don't wanna go to school
"Moma is surprisingly shocked because Tremaine never misses a day of school unless he's sick"
Moma: Sweety what's wrong?
Tremaine: Unique doesn't want to be with me
Moma: Well did you tell her how you felt about her?
Tremaine: I'm sure she knows now
Moma: Awww lord, well give it time honey... give me 45 minutes, I'll make you some breakfast
Tremaine: Okay mom
*Uniques alarm Goes off*
Unique: Hummm another day
*"Unique gets ready for school and catches a ride with Dre to school to find out that Tremaine isn't there"*
Unique: Hey Gene have you seen Tremaine?
Gene: Nope I didn't see him
Unique: Damn... Well do you know where Cj is?
Gene: Yeah he's in the cafeteria.
Unique: Okay
*Unique makes her way to the cafeteria and finds Cj at the table with all of his track teammates*
Unique: Yo Cj
Cj: What's Good?
Teammates: What she doing over here
Unique: Ain't nobody talking to yall motherfuckas !
Cj: Yo Yall Chill, Remember what coach told yall
*Teammates Got quiet*
Cj: Let's talk by the cafeteria door
Unique: Alright
*Walks to the door*
Cj: Now What's up
Unique: You seen Tre?
Cj: Nahh why Wassup?
Unique: cuz I need to talk to him
Cj: About what, you kissing Dre in front of his face? you know I've seen the way yall treat each other and yall had a thing for each other... just can't understand why.
Unique: Had a thing for who?
Cj: Tremaine
Unique: Uhhhh..
Cj: Don't play dumb like I don't know what I'm talking about yall like each other just haven't had the chance to tell each other what yall mean to each other... I'm not telling you how to live your life, all I'm saying is make the right choice.
*Cj walks back to the lunch table to finish eating*
*Bell Rings*
*"Throughout the day Unique is quiet... Thinking about what Cj told her and it's starting to make sense for her... Tremaine loves her and he wanted to tell her Monday but he couldn't do to her Messing with Dre"*
*Bell rings for dismissal*
Unique: Gene we Gotta talk Girl
Gene: What's up
Unique: Tremaine likes me
Gene: I had a feeling you was going to say that
Unique: Yeah but i don't know who I want.
Gene: Well your gonna have to make a choice
Unique: I know but let me Go find Dre so he can take me home.
Gene: Mmm okay Girl
*Unique walks away*
"An Hour Goes by and Tremaine hasn't texted or called anyone"
*Doorbell rings*
*"Tremaine walks down stairs*
Tremaine: Who is it?
Cj: Yo it's Cj, open up fool
*Tremaine opens the door*
Cj: Yo man you Good?
Tremaine: Nahh man...
Cj: Still thinking about her huh?
Tremaine: Yeah
Cj: Just let her choose, cuz at the end of the day even if you tell her how you feel about her she can still choose Dre over you
Tremaine: You right
Cj: Yeah, but you ready for this Track Meet tomorrow?
Tremaine: Always
Cj: Don't let us down in the 4 by 1 bro we need this
Tremaine: I know
Cj: You still running the 200 ?
Tremaine: Yeah but I don't want to
Cj: Why not
Tremaine: I don't know, something's telling me not to do it
Cj: Ohh word?
Tremaine: Yeaah
Cj: Well Just Stretch Good Throughout the day
Tremaine: iGhtt bro
Cj: Yo Unique was asking about you today
Tremaine: Why
Cj: Cuz she cares about you bro, even if Yall ain't together & even if she doesn't feel the same way about you which I know she do but at least accept the fact that she's making an effort to be there
Tremaine: "Sigh" I Guess
Cj: Yeah bro, but Ima let you think about that bro, Ima Go ahead and head to the crib. Stretch Good tonight bro.
Tremaine: Alright bro
*"Cj walks out and closes the door behind him while Tremaine sits on the couch and sighs and thinks about Unique"*