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Part 1: Lead

Third Movement, Relevé







a movement in which the dancer rises on the tips of the toes.


You balance precariously on the tips of your feet as you look past Terri, and an odd sense of deja vu strikes you– why were half your friends so freakin' tall?

Your current state was a potent cocktail of emotions–fatigue from the lengthy journey, agitation from the limited reach of your "average height", and apprehension towards the unexpected encounter which awaited you.

The sleek black car with fully tinted windows rolled to a stop just beneath the towering billboard which heralds the edge of town– Now leaving Sunset Bird.

You hope the locale isn't foreshadowing towards an untimely end, and that the occupant of the car won't be as suspicious of their vehicle.

After what seemed like an eternity, the driver's side door slid open and you nearly jump out of your shoes at the poorly-timed sluuuurp which accompanies it. 

"Aw, man," Terri pouts as she rattles the empty plastic cup in her hand. "That was so good."

"You scared the crap out of me!" you scold, and you place a hand to your heart which feels as though it might escape your rib cage at any minute. 

Terri glances at you out of the corner of her eyes, and smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, [Nickname]."

You are startled, but ultimately relieved. The lanky human who emerges from the depths of the car is a comforting collage of black and white.

"Hey, neighbors!" Baxter calls with a congenial wave as he hip-bumps his door shut.

"H-Hey!" you reply through cupped hands, though you're not quite sure he'll be able to hear you over the ambiance of passing cars. 

Cove arches a brow at your enthusiasm, but he settles in a polite wave to echo your welcoming sentiment. 

"It's nice to see you again!" Baxter exclaims, and his projection is immaculate, every word crystal clear amidst a cacophony of sound.

Though you and Cove are already acquainted with the salt-and-pepper male, the other half of your group is clueless. 

Miranda looks a bit bashful at the arrival of an unfamiliar face, and Terri's brows are furrowed in confusion. "Uh…"

Cove elects to clue her in as discreetly as possible. He gestures to Baxter and then back to Terri; his eyebrows wiggle. 

A lightbulb clicks on for your gregarious friend, and she grins widely, "Ahh! That's the new person in the condo! The B Man, right?"

"Yeah, Baxter," Cove affirms, a flat polar opposite to Terri's overzealous hype.

"I thought I'd never actually see him," Miranda admits, though the information seems to diminish her apprehension.

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