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Roman strode into the war room, his boots echoing off the stone walls as he held up a parchment "word from winterfell" he announced, his eyes locked onto his wife

she turned from the night sky, her gaze leaving the stars, her eyes narrowing slightly as she set her wine goblet down on the nearby table. the soft clink of the glass against the wood was the only sound in the momentary silence as elaenys attention shifted to the news roman brought. her violet eyes sparkled with a hint of curiosity

elaenys slender fingers closed around the parchment, her eyes scanning the words with a practiced speed, her brow furrowed in concentration "i do hope it is the news i expect" she murmured, her voice low and measured as her gaze darting across the lines of ink devouring every detail. roman watched her, his eyes never leaving hers, his face a mask of calm as he awaited her reaction

the room seemed to hold its breath, the shadows cast by the flickering torches on the walls appearing to lean in as if eager to hear the contents of the letter. elaenys lips moved silently, her eyes narrowing, her mind working swiftly to decipher the meaning behind the words, her thoughts racing with the implications

elaenys eyes flashed with a hint of irritation, her gaze still fixed on the letter, as she spoke "your father concerns himself more with your brother than with our request for lyannas inheritance" she said, her words dripping with a subtle disdain. romans expression remained neutral, his eyes never leaving hers as he leaned against the table, his posture relaxed yet attentive

the flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the walls, as if echoing the tension in the air. elaenys voice was laced with a quiet frustration, her words a gentle rebuke, as she continued to scan the letter, her mind working swiftly to unravel the implications of lord starks response

romans sigh was a soft, resigned sound, his shoulders sagging beneath his tunic as he spoke the words that had become all too familiar "no matter how many times we send ravens, he won't agree to our terms" he said, his voice laced with a quiet frustration, a hint of disappointment. his eyes never left elaenys, his gaze searching for a glimmer of hope, a spark of inspiration as if seeking a solution to the impasse that had been reached

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