Cello: Why Does He Love Me?

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Cello was currently in the markets with Adam. He was helping Adam choose clothing for the wedding. It was the first time in his life that he had spent alone time with his stepbrother. They had met up a couple of times since Adam left his father's home, but Gabriel was adamant that he always be there with the both of them. Luckily, Gabriel had princely duties to attend so he couldn't join them today. Cello understood why Gabriel didn't trust Adam, but he hoped that he would eventually find it in his heart to forgive him. Cello did notice how distracted Adam was, however.

"And we're going to have elephants, giraffes, and lions at the reception," Cello spoke to Adam who was browsing through tunics.

"Mhm," Adam replied.

"Then Gabriel and I are flying to the moon to celebrate," Cello continued his story.

"Sounds good," Adam said in a monotone voice.

"Adam!" Cello shouted the man out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" Adam asked Cello, now paying attention.

"Are you okay?" Cello asked. "Something is clearly on your mind so tell me."

"I'm fine, worry not," Adam said continuing to shuffle through the tunics.

"Adam," Cello began, "you can talk to me." Adam dropped his hands to both of his sides and sighed heavily. There was a bench in the clothing shop they were in, situated against a wall and he sat there. Cello sat down next to him.

"I think... I think Kayn is in love with me," Adam explained.

"The captain?" Cello asked and Adam nodded. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No!" Adam exclaimed. "Of course not. But... why is he in love with me? We just met."

"Well... if I may speak from experience," Cello said and chuckled, "you cannot help how you feel. Sometimes things just feel right and your heart knows exactly what it wants." Adam thought on his brother's words. Cello also started thinking that he had been asking himself the same question. Why does Gabriel love me?

"Kayn is nice," Adam said. "Extremely nice. And... I like looking at him. He sees me. The real me."

"So, what do you have to lose?" Cello asked him.

"Everything," Adam answered.

"Wouldn't you rather see where this goes with Kayn, instead of asking 'what if'?" Cello waited for Adam's answer.

"Maybe," Adam eventually said.

"Give yourself some time to think on it, but don't deny yourself from being loved even when you believe you don't deserve it." If only Cello could take his own advice. He'd worry about that later. Adam nodded his head and stood up.

"Thanks, Cello," Adam smiled. As Cello stood up Adam immediately wrapped his arms around him. Cello hugged him back even harder.


Cello made it back to the castle when he heard a huge commotion in the ballroom. His curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to see what the fuss was about. He opened one of the larger doors to see a swarm of people milling about, chatting, and enjoying themselves. They clearly were all nobility so none of them looked familiar. He managed to see Gabriel, King Yusef, and Queen Moira among the people. Gabriel's eyes instantly locked onto Cello's and he looked at him with extreme worry.

"Is that him?" Cello heard someone shout. Everyone's heads turned his way and for a tiny second there was complete silence. Suddenly, the throng of people rushed Cello's way to get a good look at him and talk with him. There were too many to focus on as they all kept firing questions and statements at him.

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