Adam: On a Ship

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Kayn waited patiently aboard his ship for Adam. All of his men were accounted for and readied The Hurricane to set sail. Kayn wasn't sure that Adam would take him up on his offer, but he desperately hoped he would. Needless to say, he was interested in the man. He wanted to learn more about him. He also loved the way he affected Adam. The man was either extremely angry at Kayn or extremely flustered with him.

"Shall we set sail, Captain?" one of Kayn's crewmen asked. They would have normally left by now, but Kayn was giving Adam more time.

"Yes, I suppose we should," Kayn told the crewman. He hated to admit it, but he was a little heartbroken, although he understood why Adam wouldn't join him. He guessed the man didn't like him. Kayn readied the wheel as he began to turn the ship away from the dock.

"Oy, Captain, someone's coming!" another crewman called. Kayn looked towards the direction his crewman gestured. Adam was running at full speed towards them. He couldn't help it as a grin crept along his face. The ship was a couple of feet away from Adam as he stood on the dock next to it, panting for breath.

"So, you made your decision then?" Kayn asked Adam, standing in front of him on his ship. Adam was drenched in sweat as his cheeks turned a rosy pink. He looked away from Kayn and only nodded. This made Kayn smile even more.

"Then it's good to have you onboard," Kayn welcomed Adam and extended his hand to him. Adam looked down at Kayn's hand and firmly grasped it. Adam jumped aboard The Hurricane as Kayn helped him on. Adam looked around at all of the new faces who stared at him with simple curiosity.

"Men, this is Adam," Kayn announced to all of his crewmen. "He's joining us on our little adventure here so make him feel at home." All of the men nodded their heads as they continued their work getting the ship to set sail.

"Come with me," Kayn said to Adam who followed him up the stairs towards the helm of the ship. "We'll find work for you to do, but I want you to see this first."

"See what?" Adam asked.

"Just look straight ahead," Kayn told him as he continued moving the mighty vessel away from the docks. As soon as they were a safe distance out, the sails all opened revealing the Kingdom's Crest on each one. The wind forced the ship to pick up speed as they moved further away from the dock and the land. Adam continued to look out into the wide, blue ocean. He had never seen it this way. The men aboard all moved in tandem, buzzing like bees as they ensured the full functionality of their queen, The Hurricane.

"It's... beautiful," Adam gasped. The wind on the salty ocean blew into his auburn hair. The sweat on his body now dried due to the shining sun and the air around him. A smile formed on his lips. Another massive weight felt as if it was removed from his shoulders. He didn't know why being on Kayn's ship made him feel that way, but it made him feel good.

"The first time is always the best," Kayn told Adam, "But it looks that way to me every single time. Beautiful." The two stood in silence as the crew continued working. Some were taking a break and looking out into the ocean. Adam noticed a couple of men who were at the bow of the ship. The first man had both of his hands on the railing while the second man stood behind him with his arms wrapped around the first man's body. The second man rested his chin on the first's shoulder. Kayn noticed what Adam was looking at.

"A bunch of men on this watery vessel for days, weeks, sometimes months out at sea..." Kayn explained, "It's bound to happen from time to time."

"And... it doesn't bother anyone?" Adam asked quietly, looking down at his hands.

"On my ship? Never. In our Kingdom? Maybe," Kayn answered, "But the Prince is marrying a man so they'll just have to deal with it." Kayn laughed and Adam chuckled with him. Adam looked out to the horizon as the ship was now surrounded by water. Adam could barely make out the castle behind them. They were all alone now, it seemed. This would probably terrify the average person, but Adam was more excited than anything.

"Are you good at reading maps, Adam?" Kayn asked, breaking their silence.

"Uh... I actually am," Adam answered. "Why?" Kayn handed him a very large cloth map, a geometry compass, a magnetic compass, a stack of blank papers, a quill, and a sealed inkwell.

"We're heading to Illium, which way should we go?" Adam looked at his full hands and glared daggers at Kayn, who only smirked at him.

Adam saw a circular wooden table next to the Captain's Wheel and placed his items there. He studied the map for a few minutes, ignoring Kayn's gaze as he worked. He marked where they currently should be and where they were headed. He had hoped the map was accurate otherwise they'd pass by the Island of Illium and end up on the other side of the world. He processed the math in his head based on how fast they were traveling and how much longer they had left to go.

"If we head east now, we'll be there by morning," Adam told Kayn confidently. Kayn studied Adam and nodded his head.

"Congratulations, Adam," Kayn said to him. "You're my new navigator."

"What?" Adam asked, confusion showing on his face. "Why would you make me your navigator?"

"My ship needs one," Kayn answered his question. "It is currently my responsibility, but being able to free up a little more of my time will do me good. And it gives you something to do."

"But..." Adam began to protest.

"Adam, you just charted our entire route in less than five minutes," Kayn told him, "You're going to be our navigator and I'm not taking 'no' for an answer."

"Fine," Adam pouted. "Will I have to work so close to you?" Adam gestured at the tiny space between the two of them. The Captain's Wheel was extremely close to his new workstation.

"Yep," Kayn answered him, popping the "p" and said nothing else as he continued to steer them on course. Adam rolled his eyes and shook his head. At least the air between them was friendly enough.


"So how did you learn to read maps the way that you do?" Kayn asked Adam. The full moon was high in the sky and reflected on the ocean. Millions of stars twinkled above them. The sea was peaceful.

"I actually taught myself," Adam answered as he put a spoonful of clam chowder in his mouth. Kayn and Adam were sitting side by side facing the stern of the ship. They both were gazing out into the open space of ocean and darkness, the moonlight illuminating them both. A small lantern hung near the Captain's Wheel cascading a faint glow on their backs.

"Really?" Kayn asked, disbelieving Adam's claims. "How?" Adam thought on how he would answer the question and figured he'd be honest with Kayn.

"I spent a lot of my youth escaping reality," Adam explained. "I had always wished what it would be like to hop on a boat and just... go." Kayn listened so intently to Adam that he stopped eating his meal. "I would plan out these grand adventures to faraway lands. I studied map after map, places I've never heard of and dreamed what it would be like to see the world." Adam used his spoon to stir his chowder around. "I just... wanted to be free."

"To be who you are," Kayn said to himself, but Adam heard him.

"You too?" Adam asked Kayn, looking into his eyes. Kayn turned his gaze away from Adam. He couldn't look at him in that moment. He was terrified of being vulnerable with Adam, but felt it was unfair since Adam was vulnerable with him.

"Me too," Kayn finally said, admitting to Adam that his story resonated with him. Adam wasn't sure how much of their backgrounds were the same, but he felt better knowing that he wasn't alone. They sat in comfortable silence for what seemed like hours although minutes were only passing by.

"I'm glad you're here, Adam," Kayn said as he continued to look up at the night sky. Adam studied the man's face seeing the stars in his eyes. He was... beautiful. This made Adam's face turn bright red. Luckily, Kayn couldn't notice in the darkness.

"I'm gonna turn in," Adam stood up and smiled down at Kayn, who returned the warm affection.

"Good night, Adam," Kayn said.

"Good night... Captain," Adam replied back as he made his way to his sleeping quarters. 

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