Chapter 1 - A Lost Soul

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Even though her body was now lifeless, Rhein's soul still lingered inside as did her spirit as she still guided the last plane until it crashed before the incoming fleet, a smile still on her face as she couldn't move even though she wanted, shrouded by darkness by darkness she never felt before and a feeling that was foreign to her

Fear, but she didn't fear death itself, more so that in her death she no longer would be able to protect what was precious to her, and so in her dying state that slowly left the living plane she had only one wish, one purpose she wanted and tried to pursue

"To Serve and Protect my Homeland"

And suddenly as she lost the last of the connections to her body she saw her life flash before her eyes. From birth and the first few years of life, living like the other newly awakened ships until now, after seventeen years of life. From her time as a truly small ship around River Elbe, and the Naval Bases of Hamburg and Kiel.

Time she spent abroad in America, Britain, France, and China and finally end up back in Germany and then the Pacific colonies.

But now it didn't matter as her life came to an end, a Halt and she would be like all the other Lost souls that went to heaven and the afterlife... but for Rhein, Hell was waiting...

...and it would wait longer...

A Ships hull, one of an aircraft carrier stood in a closed-off drydock that appeared like an enlarged submarine pen as Enginneer's Scientists and other workers stood around, behind barriers and black mirrors as the main officer spoke up,

"Erwache! Steh Hoch!" The man yelled as the last of the engineers ran from the carrier as it began to glow, the wisdom cube's inserted in the correct planes as immense heat and light began to appear from the ship

But one person didn't look away as she watched the whole process with her own eyes before leaving as it was about to end.

And the ship was gone replaced with a confused girl that stood on the bottom of the dock, wearing a black and white dress with ornate buttons and a red jacket. Her eyes were blood red and so were parts of her eyebrows while her hair was long white and with a headband that had a small symbol on it

And so Rhein came back, but in a world, she didn't recognize as from the bottom of the dock she looked around, instead of seeing the tricolour or the more crossed naval ensign the walls were decorated with red flags that had a weird-looking cross in the middle

The engineers slowly approached the edge of the dock when the light subsided and were now looking at Rhein with surprise and confusion because based on the previous experience they were expecting a small girl or someone closer to a child, from the ship that stood just before and not someone who looked like a teenager and one with such a body

But the main officer was the first to go down and welcome the clearly out of her environment ship

"Guten Tag!" He yelled as Rhein turned towards him and had a surprised look on her face as the man wore a uniform that was early similar to that of the officer she killed in what felt just minutes ago

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