Chapter 2 - A Quick Day?

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Some days had passed since Rhein had been brought to live and also in front of Bismarck herself, and during those days she had been informed of things that any other newly awakened kansen might need, the world situation, different nations and what was happening but most importantly for Rhein was the early training during which she learned that, although her planes were still old, that fact didn't matter here as much as skill

A Flottila of ships slowly sailed near the coast, their movement shrouded by mist as searchlights were off and anti-air guns ready to fire, the only sound that anyone could have made out in there being the sound of waves and the ships themselves, but then a faint whisper began to slowly make its presence known until the first of the lights came on at the same time that a bomb penetrated thru the deck armour of a light cruiser, landing in the engine room and destroying it along nearby compartments, the funnels of said ship spewing fire and smoke

What followed was another bomb hitting a forward part of the ship, hitting an auxiliary battery's ready-use ammo storage, causing a massive explosion while more bombs started to fall around at other boats, the faint silhouettes of biplane dive-bombers flying above the mist as they ended their run's

By now the sky and mist were filled with holes and clouds of flak as the ships all began opening fire on the attacking dive bomber causing more of them to miss as they were destroyed, damaged or thrown off course by the Anti-Air fire. But this was all part of the plan as thanks to the distraction that the dive bombers now caused the slow-moving torpedo bombers closed the distance. The torpedoes raced towards their targets, most hitting them or managing to run into a different ship thanks to the close formation, more ships began to sink as fountains of water's appeared next to their hull be it from missing bombs or torpedoes hitting

And finally, as most of the ships were injured and some even sinking shells began to fall around the fleet as from the mist, a shape, a ship took form,

"Feuer!" A Blonde girl with Green eyes yelled as 203mm shells shot out from her rigging's turrets. More being sent as other girls appeared next to her, racing towards the fleet as their smaller rigging still fired and caused formidable damage to their target's

All the while standing on the coast were two girls ass they observed the training battle from a safe distance,

"Even though it's her first time sorting with others she seems to have already adapted into a team player," A grey-haired girl with glasses said as she wrote something in a notebook

"It appears so... but maybe that's just how she normally attacks..." The other girl responded as her long white hair was being blown by the wind, and her red eyes observed the training battle in front of her

"Still... for someone who just joined our fleet not three weeks ago, she is a quick learner." She responded with a smile on her face

"Heh... maybe so... but those who work too quickly and too much get burned out even earlier, Köln" The other added as she turned around and began walking away

"I wouldn't say that she is working all that harder than usual?" Köln said, continued to observe the battle that was now coming to an end as ship-launched torpedoes began to strike their targets.

Soon enough the battle was over as the girls all began to sail towards their base, the mist and fog still lingering

"Heh, it's nice to get out and fight from time to time, even mass-produced ships." Another light-haired girl said as her eyes were pink and she seemed ready to fight

"From what I heard our superior are planning an operation and that's why we are getting more exercise," Z23 said as she looked at the ships around them and said something under her breath "...air power is really showing it's worth..."

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