I haven't seen you in a while

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Helgrind's POV

I haven't seen that boy, sparklez in a while maybe i should go find him. He his a pretty handsome if i do say so my self. I kinda was forced into marriage by my father but, I at least had a nice wife


" But dad, I don't what to get married."

" To bad you don't get to chose i am your king, and your father and you will not show disrespect."

"Or what? What can you do to meet said with courage.

Then I was slapped.

Tears fell down my face. My noes dipped blood.

"Is this what you wanted you bastard? I'll marry the fucking princess. But not for you, I still do not respect you. I spit at his feet. If I marry her I rule my own palace and I will escape you."

" But you can never escape me you will always be like me."

"I will be nothing like you!" I said through sobs.

Time skip (still in flash back)
Me and my wife were on a honey moon. We got there not sure of what to do. We sat down on the bed on opposite sides. It was her that broke the silence.

"You do not like me." she said calmly.

"I don't have a problem with you it's just well it's two things."

"Which are?"

"A: I was forced to marry you. B: I'm not ethm attracted to women."

"Oh! I see. I was forced to, but we can date others in secret."

"That would be nice, thank you."

End of flashback

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Hey sorry for the short chapter next time I update there will probably be two chapters because I feel bad sorry. I have been sick recently so I haven't updated I have been trying to write but I keep getting told to do stuff. I will try to update tomorrow.

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