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i wake up to my alarm, blaring in my ear. i sit up and sigh. first day of school. i should be excited, i guess. but i'm really not. i have to move into my dorm this week. at least i get to come home during the weekends.

i dangle my legs from my bed, and stand up, rubbing my feet against my soft rug. i look at my window, the blinds still open, and see charlie's house like i always do. but this time i feel something different.

i feel weird about charlie. it's always been weird with him, but in a bad way because he's such an asshole.

i don't understand why it feels like a different kind of weird now.

i try to shake off the feeling as i go to my bathroom to brush my teeth. kenny's already in there, spraying too much cologne on himself.

as i walk in i cough loudly and wrinkle my nose, "damn, kenny. you're going to smell worse than normal with that stuff!"

kenny rolls his eyes, "still better smelling than you, girl." he calls me girl all the time because he thinks he's the funniest man on the earth.

i start brushing my teeth as kenny speaks again, "you need a ride to school today?"

i shake my head, "some of us are gonna skate there." i say, my mouth full of toothpaste.

"and by us you mean?" kenny asks, completely oblivious.

"the ducks, ken. duh" i reply.

"right. is all your stuff already at your dorm?" he questions.

"not everything. will you take some boxes with you? pleeeasssseee??" i plead and give him a goofy, toothpaste filled smile.

"sure, sure whatever. but i'm leaving in 10, so you better hurry and put all of it in my car. i'm not waiting." kenny replies in a way that almost reminds me of my dad.

i roll my eyes as he leaves and spit my toothpaste in the sink. i wipe my face off with a rag and go to get dressed.

i easily find my grey shirt and blue jeans that i want to wear, since most of my clothes are already at my dorm.

i grab my moms old heart necklace and put it on. i quickly put my hair in a ponytail before looking in the mirror. okay, clothes a little old but i still look...slightly okay? whatever. not like i'm trying to impress anyone.

i bend down to grab some boxes for my dorm and accidentally catch a glance of charlie through my window. he's in his room, looking in his mirror, adjusting his hair around.

i can't help but laugh a little. charlie conway actually caring about the way he looks. why would he care about that? he doesn't need to care about that. i mean, it's not like he's butt ugly. he's.. nice to look at i guess.

i shake my head before grabbing the rest of my boxes and hopping down the stairs. kenny's at the kitchen table, eating his breakfast.

"caught me just in time. i was about to leave" he says, scarfing down another bite of pancake.

"are you going to be able to move after eating all that!?" i joke with a laugh.

"haha, funny. give me the boxes. have a good day, goon" kenny says, taking the boxes and leaving.

my dads not usually here in the mornings, so at least i get some peace. i pick kenny's plate off the counter, wash it off, and put it in the dishwasher. i have no idea how he's been living on his own at the dorms for this long and still doesn't know how to pick up after himself.

i sigh before grabbing my rollerblades and helmet, and walking outside. i sit on my front porch, and start to put on my rollerblades. i hear another set of rollerblades coming up my driveway just as i finish up. 

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