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layla this one is for you you're welcome

the rest of the day drags on and on, until it's finally time for the real fun.

the doors open for the arena and us ducks walk in. it's probably the biggest arena i've ever been in. championship flags hang over the fresh ice as varsity does their drills.

"wow, this place is great!" charlie announces.

a bunch of "it's huge!" and "this is so cool" chorus' through all of us.

"you know, i bet they have a snack bar here." guy tells us.

"big deal." charlie replies, brushing it off.

"they look pretty good." kenny says in awe.

"they're not so hot." charlie shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

i look at julie and point to one of the players who's noticeably very attractive, "not true. he's hot."

charlie clears his throat as julie and i burst into a fit of giggles, "yeah, whatever. he's not."

connie tries to boost our confidence, "come on guys, we could skate out there."

as we all pile to the doors of the ice, one of the warrior players, who i assume is the captain, quickly skates over to charlie, and grabs his shoulder. "if it isn't captain ducky" he smirks.

"get your hands of him." fulton barks back.

"ooo look" a particularly dumb looking guy says, "a bash brother. i'm sooo scared."

i'm about to say something to him when their coach skates over and yells, "break it up! cmon let's go."

the captain skates away backwards, and gives me a weird smirk. i roll my eyes and continue onto the ice with the ducks.

charlie looks to dwayne before asking, "how bout it cowboy, a roundup?"

connie looks at me nervously, "hey charlie shouldn't we wait for the new coach before messing around?"

he looks over her, "this is how we practice!" he pauses "duck hockey, connie?"

i roll my eyes, which of course charlie catches, "whattt, clair?"

i would've had a witty comeback if he didn't call me that. i just shake my head at him and fall back to skate by averman.

"woah woah woah" averman whispers to me, "what did he just call you?"

"what do you mean?" i dumbly ask, pretending i have no idea what he's talking about.

"oh, shut up. i know when you're lying, hunny." he waves his finger around my face, sassily, which makes me laugh.

dwayne yells, "yeehaw! round it up doggy!" and that's how i know the fun has began.

we skate as fast as we can away from dwayne. i end up by adam and we're laughing so hard as we push our legs faster and faster.

i see dwayne get averman and i skate by him and stick my tongue out. he just giggles like he always does.

i skate by adam some more and he grabs my hand and pulls me faster through the ice. i'm laughing so hard i don't see charlie headed right for us. he sprints through me and adam and hits our hands, separating us.

i turn around, about to yell at him, when dwayne tangles me and charlie in the rope. we both fall, our bodies tangled around each other.

i look up at charlie's face, just inches away from mine. he looks at me, but doesn't move. what do i do? this is weird, right?

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