What the fuck is wrong with me.

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My insides felt hollow and I was cold. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me, nothing weird happened to me except for that dream last night. I stared into space and held my eyes shut tight. "Kyle? Kyle?" My eyes shot open and I saw the bus in front of me while stan ushered me onto the bus, "come on!" He said and I stepped onto the bus. I took a seat in the back next to Stan, Kenny and Cartman sat in the seat in front of us. "Hey dude you ok?" Stan asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I didn't respond I just looked at him. Kenny turned and faced us, "what the fuck is up with you?" He said. "Nothing." I mumbled as the bud stopped at school and we all got off.

By 4th period my head hurt and I couldn't see clearly, noises annoyed me and I was hungry, good thing lunch is next.
Everyone was already sat at the table, I didn't get any food because the sight of it made me want to vomit it. "Kyle are you ok?" I looked up from the table to Stan, I watched his worried face, I could smell him, he smelled like...blood? My mouth watered, ew what? I licked my lips before getting up abruptly and running to the bathroom, oddly fast. Looking in the mirror I saw my eyes were red and my face was pale. What the fuck is wrong with me? My attention was drawn to the door opening, there standing Stan. I stared at him wide eyed, I heard him talking but I wasn't paying attention. I felt so empty, the smell of blood was overpowering. Stan walked to me and put his hand on my shoulder, smiling as he spoke. I felt my body move on it's own as I slammed him against the wall, basically pinning him.


So the explanation as to why I said he would act drunk when hungry but he didn't is that it's bc it's his first time so he's like...transforming kinda? Idk. Anyway, hope you injoy!



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