Chapter 1: A New Teacher

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DISCLAIMER: I no longer agree with the morals in this story. I've grown past the ideas I've written in this. I will not be continuing it, but you can if you want! I no longer have the time to write much, I may in the future, but for now I cannot continue this and no longer wish to do so. I no longer support what I have written. Thank you for your time.

It was the middle of the school year and you were doing worse and worse with her classes. Your work was way behind the due dates and had many extensions to your book reports. You began getting bored with school. You sighed as you walked into class to find some strange man sitting at your desk. He had a nice build and very short hair. His eyes were brown and so was the nice short hair he had. He looked over at you softly and spoke with a voice almost as deep as the great ocean, "hello, I'm new here, my name is Jason." You said hello back and waved shyly as you blushed yet not noticing it. "Um," you said quietly while looking at the ground, "you're kinda at my desk, sir," you got quieter as you spoke. "Oh, I'm sorry, miss," he giggled and got up. "Maybe you can show me around the school sometime!" He sounded happy and excited to see you; more so than any of the other students.

First class with your new teacher and yet almost time to go home. It's the end of the day and you're in history class. Your soon-to-be favorite class of all time. You weren't sure whether to be excited about going home or excited about seeing that handsome teacher again. Wait... What were you thinking..? He's way too old for you... Yet... Age shouldn't matter... You thought and thought but could never come up with a good solution. Accidentally you stared at the teacher all class until he finally announced it was time to pack up. You still sat there mesmerized and still staring at him. He called your name and you perked up. "Y-yes?" You asked nervously. "It's time to go now; don't you want to go home?" You thought no but your worlds came out as, "yes," as you got up and walked to the other room to gather your stuff. You headed toward the bus line to find out that your history teacher was going to lead you to the bus. You began staring again and the line started to walk down the hallway to the door. You followed-not forcefully- willingly. Your teacher came over to you and you looked up at him; he was tall. He looked down at you and you said goodbye to him and he said, "I'll see ya, ____!" He walked down the hallway and turned a corner. The bus line continued into the bus and everyone sat down. You sat in the front on the right side and stared out the window as you got your phone out. You pressed the home button (iPhone) and the screen lit up. You looked at the time which was 2:30 PM. You couldn't get that teacher out of your head and you've only seen him one day. You put on some love songs from your phone and sat back in the seat. You'll wait until Wednesday to see him again, even though it was ever so hard.

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