The new Red paladin

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Hey guys this is a klance oneshot from voltron. Hope you like this and yes I do lazy writing so don't mind if there are errors. 


No one's POV

Keith was walking to his room, minding his own business. He did eventually get there with no difficultys. 'How did I see no one going here?' He thought. Thinking why he saw no one, that soon got broken by banging on the door. "Keith come on, we have a meeting come out and join us." Keith was relieved to hear Shiro's voice from the other side, "Alright I'll be there in a min." 

Lance's POV 

We all been here for like 20 minutes already waiting for that damn.... sexy mullet...... At this rate I know I have feelings for Keith but I can't bring myself to tell him. Shiro just went to go get Keith. They finally arrive and we start whatever we came here for. "So the reason I called you all here for is I have had some trouble with the blue lion, has anyone else had some trouble lately with their's?" "I've had trouble with Red." I admit, no one said anything after that. 'So me and Allura are the only one's having trouble.' "How about Trying Lance in Blue again?" That fucking mullet suggested. I blushed probably a bright dusky pink just light enough so no one could see. "Lance!" Pidge was right next against my ear screaming. "What the quiznak Pidge!!!" "You were zoned out for a while Lance and none of us Could snap you out of it." I stared blankly at everyone like what. I sighed and got up. "Alright, how about we try Keith's idea first and then if anyone else has anymore ideas we could try them." That leader we all knew as Shiro spoke up and we all went to go and see Blue. 

Keith's POV 

We all made it to the blue lions hanger bay. Lance went right up to Blue and Blue opened it's mouth. He got inside and we all waited for a number of Doboshes (minutes) nothing happened. "Lance! No-" Suddenly the blue lion was fully operational. 'Great now I have to find a new Red paladin, great.' Everyone turned to me, 'what the hell!' "What?!" They shared glances aswell as Lance, I didn't even notice he was here. "If Lance is back to the blue lion what about you? Wouldn't it make sense if you go back to Red?" I stared blankly, I mean sure Iiss Red but I'm with Black now (Keith only calls the lions by their colours). "Nope, I think that will work." I stated and was about to continue but Lance got their first. "It's probably because he wants to stay as Leader, that's why!" He rested his elbow on my shoulder, as usual I shoved it off. After I did, the alarm went off. Coran was on thr speaker, "The red lion just flew off! I repeat the Red lion just flew off!" We heard it, all running to our lions. 

Lance POV 

I flet bad for what I said to Keith back in the hanger bay,I didn't mean it, it just slipped out I guess. I was gonna apologise when we get back but for now we need to find that darn lion. Red is the fastest out of the lions so it took us a while to catch up. We finally stopped at a unfamiliar planet and there were a lot of thing that we're dead, especially the plants. (<this> if there speaking through the communication unit. Who is who : Keith, Pidge, Hunk, Lance, Shiro, Allura, Coran, everyone ) <Hey everyone, you all still there?> <yep>  <good> <now where did that darn lion go?> We all got out of the lions and we didn't even need our helmets, this planets air was perfectly safe for humans. "Where the hell are we?" Keith said. Suddenly we all hear a battle going on in the distance. "So you guys hear that?" "Yes let's go!!" Pidge started to run in that direction. We all started to run either with or after her. We only had bearly any breath when we got there. I looked up and saw two people with blade of mamora (I think I spelt it wrong) suit/armor on and a person flying in the air and they had dragon wings. One of the ones with the blade of mamora suits/armor on was using magic and the third had a blade of some kind again like the blade of mamora blades. They all can breathe perfectly fine so we don't need to worry medical help. I saw that Keith was looking around a bit so I did too. We saw tents and other things all around one specific area, it was like they lived there. Anyway back to the battle in front of me, more and more creatures kept popping up. It was getting hard for them. We quickly rushed to help. Many doboshes later, we won and the one with the blade came over and the other two with them aswell (not revealing their gender yet). "Thanks for helping us, who are you guys?" "Why we are the paladins of voltron!" 

Keith's POV 

Lance seemed so happy saying that like he has a new person to flirt with. I got this strange feeling, like jealousy. "Um.... okay... anyways, what are your names?" By now one of the ones with a mask has took it off, showing their identity. "Well beautiful, my name i-" "Wait, where is the Red lion?!" Podge practically squealed in my ear. It did earn me a light chuckle to her interrupting Lance. "Wait a Red lions here?!" The masked one said. "Yeah....." I wanted to say something else but got interrupted by the one with magic. "What are your names and then we'll help you find the lion." Suggesting that we did. "I'm Shiro." "Lance." He smirked, rolling my eyes. It was now the only one left. "Um.... I'm Keith." I could feel them staring at me even through that mask of theirs. "What's your last name?" "Kogane? Why?" I felt like an idiot saying that. I'm shocked at what they said next and I think the others aswell. "Keith!!!" 


Word count-1030

Time published-23:00

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter and give me some ideas for part two of possible. Thanks again, bye wolfies 🐺🐺🐺

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