Chapter Three

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Long ass chapter but we find out how Tara and Amber met so that's cute right

Tara ran down the stairs after Mindy, shouting for her to stop and talk to her. Wes saw the two girls leaving, so he quickly got up to follow and overheard Tara yelling.

"Mindy, just say something please!"

Mindy walked to her car and put her hand on the handle, ready to just get in and leave, but then she stopped. Tara stopped running after her and just stood behind her, not knowing what to say.

"What's going on?" Wes yelled as he finally caught up to the two girls.

"Nothing. I'm going home, I just don't feel well." Mindy said, not turning around to face Wes or Tara. She quickly then got in her car and started the engine.

"Wait, what about-" but before Wes could finish his question, Mindy drove off, leaving him and Tara alone in Amber's driveway.

"What the hell is her deal?" He asked, looking at Tara. She turned around to face him, holding in her tears and shrugging. "Guess she just got sick or something. I think she'll be fine." she responded with a weak smile.

She turned to begin walking towards her house, since that was clearly her only option. But Wes blurted out, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going home." Tara replied.

"Do you want me to walk with you?" he asked, walking behind her.

"It's like a 25 minute walk, I think I'll be okay."


Tara finally stopped walking and turned around to Wes looking at her with obvious love in his eyes. Tara was silent for a few seconds, but then responded.

"Fine. But you're getting an Uber from my house, my parents won't let a guy stay overnight."

Wes smiled. "That's fine." he caught up to Tara and they began walking together.

Tara felt her phone buzz in her back pocket and she took it out to see who was calling.


She quickly put her phone back in her pocket before Wes could see.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Just a spam thing."

"I hate those."

Tara gave a small laugh, but she felt her phone continue to ring.

..and ring

..and ring.

Tara eventually couldn't take the buzzing anymore so she turned her phone off. She just needed to be left alone with her thoughts.


Wes didn't talk too much, which was good. He and Tara just had little conversations here and there until they eventually got to Tara's house.

"I'm really tired, are you good to wait out here?" Tara asked, facing Wes. She just wanted to get inside before having a breakdown.

"Yeah, my ride should be here any minute, so I should be good." he responded, but he clearly didn't want the night to end like this.

Tara smiled. "Cool." she said as she turned to go into her house.

"Tara!" she heard Wes yell, and she closed her eyes. She knew it was gonna happen at some point, but now was like the actual worst possible moment.

Tara turned around. "What's up?" she asked, trying to sound clueless.

"I just figured I'd get it out there. Uh... I like you. I have for a while, and I just.. thought I'd tell you."

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