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"Mom, I can't believe you are making me move." I whined while I looked out the airplanes small window.

"Sorry sweetie, but your uncle needs us here with him and Quinn." She said looking over at me.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed, my little cousin Quinn got admitted into the hospital for anorexia.

"And maybe we will find a better house." Mom said squeezing my hand, I gave her a small smile.

I flipped open my laptop, using the planes free wifi, I opened Netflix. I put my headphones on, and started playing The 100.

Right when it started, the flight attendant came over with a cart full of food, and drinks. I paused the episode, and got some snacks. Once I got my food I pressed play and started watching my new obsession.


"Lia, wake up, we're here." My mom said shaking me.

I opened my eyes slowly, groaning. I started putting all my stuff back into my backpack.

Once we got off the plane and into the airport, we saw my uncle standing by the baggage claim. He waved excitedly to us, and my mom waved back, laughing at his enthusiasm.

"Hey girls "Uncle Jax said, hugging us.

"Hey" I said for me and my mom, we walked closer to the baggage claim, grabbing our suitcases. We walked towards the doors of the airport.

"My cars over here" Uncle Jax said pointing over to an area of the parking lot. We started walking towards the car, just catching up on each other's lives.


"And this is your room" my uncle said, opening the white door.

"Thanks" I said pulling my suitcases into the room

"After you finish unpacking we will head down to the hospital to go see Quinn." He said, closing the door.

I rolled my suitcases over to the queen sized bed. I started to unpack all my clothes, and stuff. The room looked like any other suburban house bedroom, white walls, beige carpet.

After I finished unpacking, I walked into the living room where my mom and Uncle Jax were talking.

"So are we gonna go?" I asked

"Yeah, let's roll." he said. I grabbed my converse from beside the door.

"Can we play my music?" I asked, after seeing he had an aux cord.

"Yeah, sure." he said handing me the cord. I plugged it into my phone and started to look through my music. Finally I picked out Settle Down by the 1975.

"Never heard of this band, what's it called" Uncle Jax asked

"The 1975" I answered.


"Quinn!" I squealed running over to her.

"Hey Lia" she said hugging me. "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too" I said letting go of her tiny body. Quinn was one year younger than me, we got along pretty well.

"How are you?" my mom asked her.

"Great, how about you guys?" She smiled, hugging my mom.

"We are doing good, right Lia?" mom said looking over at me at the end

"Yeah" I nodded

"Lia, let's go down to the Rec Room" Quinn said grabbing my hand "I want you to meet some of my friends"

We ran down the halls till we got to the Rec Room.

"Hey guys, this is my cousin Lia" she introduced me "and Lia, this is Johnny, Peter, Indiana."

"Hey" I smiled, they all smiles back.

"Is everyone in your family hot,
Quinn?" Indiana laughed

"If you think my dad is hot then sure" Quinn said laughing along with her.

"Totally" Indiana said looking back to her laptop.

"You into older men now, Indie?" Peter asked winking at her

"You're only older by 3 months, lover boy" Indiana said shaking her head. They continued to joke around with each other, they are either dating or gonna date.

"So Lia, do you got any hobbies?" Johnny asked

"I paint sometimes, and play ukulele" I shrugged "I'm not that good"

"Thats a complete lie! She great at both, unless you got worse since your last visit." Quinn said elbowing me. I laughed a little bit.


After a couple of hours, I got to know all of Quinn's friends. Uncle Jax and mom finally came in and told me it was time to go.

"Wait Lia, what's your number?" Indiana said, I gave everyone my number and hugged Quinn goodbye.

"See you tomorrow, loser" I joked "love you!"

"Love you too!" she hugged her dad, and my mom.


Once I got settled into my bed, about to go to sleep my phone got flooded with texts. I let out at a laugh and looked at the messages.

Ole Johnny boy:
What's up nerd, bet you already miss me.

Indiana jones  :
Hey crackhead

Big Peter;) :
Hey babe ;)

I obviously didn't pick out their contact names, I replied to all of them. Grabbing my headphones off my nightstand. I started playing music.

After an hour of texting all of them, I told them goodnight.


Okay, still isn't that good. I wasn't really in the writing mood, but I did it.

lia ; j.gWhere stories live. Discover now