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"Good morning Lia" Uncle Jax said when I walked into the living room.

"Morning" I said and flopped onto the couch.

"Did you pack up all your clothes?" he said pausing the television.

"Most of it" I said and turned my head into the cushions of the couch.

"I'm going to go get your mom, and we will go set up your bedrooms and get you guys all moved in" He said standing up from the couch.

I went back to my room, and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey nike jacket, and my white nike roshes.
(Picture on the top/side)

I packed the rest of my stuff up, and dragged it into the living room.

"Ready?" My mom asked, picking up the last of her bags and taking them out the door and to the car.

I grabbed my bags, and my uncle grabbed the rest and we took them to the car.

"Is that all of it?" My uncle asked me and my mom.

"Yeah, I think so" Mom replied, I just nodded.

We all got in the car, my mom and uncle in the front and me squeezed into the back with some of our luggage.

It only took ten minutes to get to our new home. My mom went and unlocked the front door while me and Uncle Jax started to grab all the bags and suitcases.

I dragged all of my bags up to my room, and my uncle helped my mom take her stuff to her room downstairs.

I got all of my bags into the hall upstairs, and now I just had to push them all the way to my new room.

I dragged the first couple of bags into my room, and I only had a few more. I walked around my room and ended up by my window. My neighbors window was right across from mine.

I saw someone pass it, I quickly turned away from the window and walked over to my bags.

I unpacked my Ihome first, so I could play music while I unpacked. I started playing Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys. I started to unpack all my clothes.


We are all moved into our new house, my uncle left a couple of hours ago. I was currently watching Netflix on my tv, when I got a text from Quinn.

Baby Quinn :
Will you please bring me some McDonalds!! The others are busy, can you please come hang out with me

I told her I would be there in fifteen minutes. I slipped on my nikes and told my mom where I was going. When I got outside of my house I saw the back of my neighbor as he walked up to his front door.

He was tall, and had dark hair from what I could tell, he was wearing a backwards SnapBack.

Im guessing he felt me staring at him and he turned around and saw me. I turned away quickly and got into my car.


"So you are starting school tomorrow" Quinn said while eating her French fries.

"Yup, moms at the store getting me school stuff right now" I said

"Ill be with you in a couple of weeks, I get out in four weeks!" Quinn said excitedly.

"Then I can hang out with you and your friends, knowing I won't be making any" I laughed a little and finished my food.

"Oh whatever, you are gonna have a few friends before I get there" She said and grabbed our trash to throw it away.

I looked at my phone to see I had a message from my mom.

Mom :
Are you still at the hospital with Quinn? Have you seen the others?

To Mom :
Yes, and no, a nurse told me and Quinn that Johnny and Indies parents are here with them, and Peter is doing chemo right now..

Mom :
Poor Peter

I looked at her message and then texted Peter, even though I knew he wouldn't see it till later.

To Big Peter ;):
We love you Peter!!

I need to change his contact name. After changing his contact name me and Quinn went to walk around the hospital while we waited for the others.


I only got to hang out with Johnny and Indie for an hour and a half, before I had to head home. I didn't want to bother Peter since he had a long day and he was probably tired.

It was only six pm, but I decided to go ahead and get ready for bed. I went downstairs to say goodnight to my mom.

"Hey sweetie, how's Peter doing?" my mom asked and she put her book down.

"I haven't seen him, but he texted me and said he's doing fine and he's just tired and doesn't feel that great" I said

She smiled and nodded, I left after we said our goodnights. I went back up to my room and turned my light off. I cuddled up in bed and sent a text to Peter

To BFF Peter :
Hey, hope you feel better! Love you!!! Goodnight

From BFF Peter :
Thanks, love you too!!!!!! Goodnight

Me and Peter have grown a lot closer since the day we first met, he's my best friend now.

I set my alarm for the morning, and turned my tv off and went to bed.


So Jack was in a little bit of this chapter!
this chapter was just them getting all moved in so and incase you got confused Indiana's parents came for her and Johnny's parents came for him, bc it kinda sounded like they were siblings, they aren't!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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