Chapter 1

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I am here today outside our house because I decided to go out and get some fresh air, life is difficult when you come to the province especially if you are far from town and you always rely on your vegetable plants in the yard.

I'm here outside breathing fresh air and looking at the beautiful scenery in our province. I will not deny that it was beautiful and peaceful when Its come to a province and I was really thankful that I grow up here, because I decided to continue my studies in the City and achieve my dream

I'm a 1st year college and decided to continue my studies in Manila. It was hard to adjust, especially since I grew up and studied here in our province. Now that I'm in my 1st year college, I need to move and study in Manila.

We can't deny that we will miss life as a provincial girl but this is what is needed, I need to move and continue my studies.

While I was looking at the beautiful view, I heard my mama calling me.

Mama: “Maria, come and let's start harvesting the vegetables we planted”

Me: “Yes, mama I'm coming”

I went and helped my mom harvest vegetables because it was time to harvest them all

While harvesting, mama and I talked about my moving to Manila to continue my studies.

Mama: “Won't you change your mind? That you will move to Manila and leave being a provincial girl”

Me: “No, mama. You know that I really want to continue my studies, it's really necessary to me to continue my studies in Manila”

Mama: “Oh okay, if that's what you want, we'll support you”

While we were talking, my brother, who is a little older than me by two years, interjected

Miguel: “Mama, Maria is too old for that. You don't need her to change her mind, she knows what she wants in life”

Miguel: “Maybe this is her time to find her boyfriend. Don't worry when you find a boyfriend, I'm just here to give you tips, I know when it comes to relationships”

My brother said teasingly infront of our Mama.

Maria: “Nahh, I'd never said I will find a boyfriend. I just want to focus on my study, Miguel so stop bringing that topic”

Mama: “Your sister is right Miguel, but Maria, you can't avoid such scenarios in your life like your brother is saying”

Maria: “I know, Mama but just for now I want to focus on my study”

Miguel: “When are you leaving and so I know how to deliver my most beautiful sister?”

Maria: “Next week, Why are you here then? Do you mind helping us to harvest this?”

Mama: “Miguel, can you please bring this vegetable inside our house?”

Miguel: “Yes, mama. Let me help both of you then”

•|Hi! Sorry for the Grammar, please excuse that. Also again this is a Fanfiction so don't take this seriously|•

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