Chapter 6

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Clarisse: “Good Morning, Maria”

Maria: “What's on your face that makes you happy to look at it?”

Clarisse: “Oh because the vip tickets I already secured and I got both tickets so both of you and me can watch the VNL ”

Maria: “That's good, then. Let's go We will be late for our 1st subject”

After our 1st subject Clarisse sit next to me

Clarisse: “Maria, are you excited for tomorrow? ”

Maria: “For what? ”

Clarisse: “Come on tomorrow is July 4. Don't tell me you already forgot it?”

Maria: “No, I don't”

Clarisse: “I'm really excited you know. They are my favorite volleyball players”

Maria: “I see, you always get excited whenever you watch them on your phone. Can't even focus of my study because of your squeal and shout”

Clarisse: “Oh sorry for that, I'm just excited”

Maria: “Go back to your sit, our professor is here”

After our class we both hang out and go to cafe shop to buy coffee and study

Clarisse: “Alright, let's get this study to be done!”

After our study we both back in our Hotel

Clarisse: “Psstt, Maria ”*whisper*

Maria: “What? ”

Clarisse: “I can't sleep, I'm really excited for tomorrow”

Maria: “Come on sleep, stop being a delulu person. You have a time to meet then Tomorrow ”

Clarisse: “Yea, your right. Goodnight then Maria”

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