Chapter 9

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Maria (POV)

We arrived at our hotel, changed our clothes and went to bed

Clarisse: "You're so lucky, Maria. Ran Takahashi notice you from the start until at the end of the game"

Maria: "You should sleep, Clarisse. I'm tired"

I didn't get a response until I checked that she was already fall asleep

Maria: "This girl, really?" *Chuckles*

I couldn't sleep because of what happened earlier, so I decided to go out first and go outside to get some hot coffee and hang out for a while


Ran Takahashi (POV)

I couldn't sleep because we were celebrating because of our victory earlier so I decided to go out first and get some coffee

I went straight to the coffee shop hall and there is it I saw a girl and of course I didn't want her to recognized me so I put my mask and may eyeglasses.

When I was behind her, she faced me and my eyes widened because she was the girl I saw earlier on the Big TV screen and she was also the one I smiled at

She didn't even recognise me she sat on a chair with a table where I can see that she's relaxing


Maria (POV)

When I finished getting my coffee, I turned around, there was a tall man behind me wearing a mask and glasses

But of course I have nothing to worry about so I just sit and drink coffee

The man earlier sat next to me and spoke

??: "Why are you still awake? It's 12 am in the morning"

Maria: "Oh, I can't sleep"

??: "I see we both can't sleep"

We did nothing but talk to each other until we became close to each other little by little

??: "What's your name?"

Maria: "Oh, my name?"

??: "Yea, your name?"

Maria: "My name is Maria and you?"

Before he could speak, his cellphone rang

??: "I need to go, Maybe I'll answer that when we encounter each other again?"

Maria: "Yea, sure. Goodnight then"

After that he was gone out of my sight

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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