Our stupid little lie

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I walk into the AMP house and see Lexi and Brent talking "No we can't just kick her out of the group, Lexi your being rude, she was drunk. Okay?" Brent says and Lexi sees me and rolls her eyes "Hey" I say

"SHES A LIER THO" Lexi yells "Lexi just go" Brent says and Lexi walks away "Sorry about her Y/N, she's just really mad that you drunkenly cheated on Jeremy" Brent says "Okay for one Andrew wasn't drunk, only I was and I did beg him to fuck me, but only when I was drunk. I hate Andrew ish, but he only did it to shut me up so it's really not his fault" I say, I go on and in till Andrew and Dom walk In "That girl you fucked messed up your back Andrew" Dom laughs "I was the one that messed up is back while I was drunk" I Whisper to Brent "You need to talk to Jeremy about this, you, him and Andrew.." he trails off "And possibly Lexi" he say and I nod

"I hate lying to Jeremy, I love him with all my heart but honestly I don't think it'll work if he doesn't trust me" I say "Just talk for him and I'll be by your side" he says smiling

A/N- I never seen Brent dis nice 😭 wish he always dis nice in his YouTube videos

"Okay" I say and we drive to Jeremy's apartment and I knock "Yes.."he opens the door "Jeremy can we talk?" I ask and he groans "Come in" he says. Me and Brent walk in and sit down at his island while he's across from us "Jeremy, I was drunk and so was Andrew but that doesn't change a thing about my love for you, I still love you no matter what you say but honestly if you don't wanna be with me anymore that I'll leave and won't talk to you again unless I need to" I say, his face expression doesn't change, he than Sighs

"Y/N, you cheated on me, drunk or not, it still broke my heart, I think we shouldn't be together but we can still be friends" he says, my eyes start to get blurry and tears fall down my cheeks, than I feel Brent's hand in my back "Ya, Okay. I'm fine with that" I say, looking at Brent "Lets go" he says "Bye Jeremy" Brent says and we head back to the AMP house

We walk in and see Lexi talking to Andrew "Hey guys" Andrew says "Hey" I say "I'll be back" Lexi says and grabs Brent and walks to the other room "What'd he say?" Andrew asks "He said we can still be friends" I say "Okay that's good for you but what about me?" He asks "Crap I didn't think about that" I mumble "I'll talk to him" he says and walks away

A few hours later Andrew and Jeremy come walking in and laughing very loudly "Can you guys be quiet I'm trying to read" I say "Ya sure" Andrew says and they walk outside

"Hey Y/N" Dom says, sitting next to me "Hey" I say, going back to my book. After a few minutes I get to a part in my book that makes me mad "GOD DAMNIT EDWARD, WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE BELLA" I yell, throwing my book "Really?" He asks "Uhh ya, Edward left Bella because he had to and left her in the middle of the woods and Sam who is a Werewolf found her and bring her out of the woods and BTW Edward is a vampire" I explain to him "I don't understand" he says and I sigh

"Bella Swan went to Forks to stay with her dad till she graduates and she Meets a vampire, but she doesn't know that he's a vampire" I say, I explain the rest to him, after a few minutes of explaining it to him all he says is "I still don't understand," WHAT!? How does he not understand "We'll watch the movies and than you'll understand" I say "Movies!?" He asks "Ya, there's, Twilight, Eclipse, Breaking dawn part 1 and Breaking dawn part 2" I say and he Sighs "Fine, we'll watch them" he says and I get up and run to the kitchen making like 20 bags of popcorn and than I sit back on the couch and hand him a bowl of popcorn

After a few hours I fell asleep "Y/N!" Someone says, shaking me than I open my eyes "Ya?" I ask "You fell asleep during the movie!" He says "Did you at least like the movie?" I ask "No because I didn't understand any of it" he says and I sigh "Read the books then" I say "There's only 4 books" I say "I'm not reading them" he says "Of course your not" I say

We just keep on talking g for a while till Jeremy and Andrew came in "Hey guys" Jeremy says "Hi" I say

Dom, Jeremy and Andrew all go back outside so I follow them, than they push you in the pool.

After a few minutes you don't come back up...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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