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Same outfit as last chapter bc it's the same day :)

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Same outfit as last chapter bc it's the same day :)


After the bar, Marcel took us to some sort of garage where he was going to deal with the two transitioning vampires.

The whole vibe of the place was creepy, making me squeeze Nik's hand a little tighter.

"You take me to the nicest places." Nik jokes to Marcel, who rolls his eyes.

Thierry and Diego, two of Marcel's men, open the doors of a van, revealing a boy and a girl, who both look scared.

I offer them a soft smile, hoping to ease some of their worry. This only seems to calm the boy a bit, while the girl glares at me.

"Welcome to the land of the newly dead. I won't waste your time." Marcel says before turning to Thierry. "I trust you filled them in?"

"To be honest, not much in the way of potential here." Thierry mumbles.

"Yeah, well, I just lost six night-walkers. I got holes to fill. I'll keep this quick. That itch you feel? That's the need to feed coming on strong, a hunger for human blood. Drink it – you're a vampire. Don't – you die. Again. This time for good. Right here in a body bag." Marcel explains before looking at Nik. "Which one?" He asks, referring to the two people in the car.

"Dealer's choice." Nik says.

"Dealer's choice, okay." Marcel pulls out a coin and shows it to the duo. "Whoever picks up this coin gets to live forever. The other one dies."
He then lays down the coin between them.

"Close your eyes Angel." Nik whispers.

I immediately follow instructions, tucking my head into Nik's shoulder.

"Go!" Marcel says.

I hear a quick rush as someone grabs the coin.

"Damn girl! I said, damn!" Marcel laughs at the quickness in which the girl snatched the coin.

"How could you!?" The boy shouts.

"Get over it, Josh. It's not like I had a choice. You would've done the same thing, but you're such a little –" the girl is cut off by a sickening crunch, letting me know her neck had been snapped.

"Let her die in cold storage. Got a thing about people who betray their own friends. C'mon. Let's go for a ride." Marcel says.

Thierry and Diego pull the girl out of the van, leaving the scared boy behind.

Nik helps me into the car before sliding in after me.

Marcel stood outside, occupied by something else.

Nik took the opportunity of being alone with the boy and quickly leaned over to him, compelling him to relay anything Marcel would say back to him.

My eyes widen at the admittedly smart plan I hadn't known about.

The boy looked even more frightened after being compelled, making me feel bad.

"Hi, I'm Ivy. What's your name?" I ask with a sweet smile.

"Josh." He answers still looking scared but not as much.

"It's nice to meet you! How old are you?" I make conversation.

"18." Josh replies, looking more comfortable as the conversation goes on.

"No way! Me too." I smile.

"You're nice." Josh compliment with a small smile.

"Aww thank you! We should totally be friends." I grin.

Josh nods excitedly.

Our interaction makes Nik sigh as he realizes he'll have to look out for Josh now that we're friends.

Oh well.


After the car, Marcel dealt with turning Josh while Nik took me to go get ice cream.

A major perk of being pregnant is that I get whatever I want to eat if I just say it's a craving.

So after a huge sundae, baby and me were very happy.

I lean back a bit in my chair, rubbing my stomach as my eyes search over the restaurant/bar, smiling when I see a familiar face.

"Oh, hey Marcel!" I greet as he walks up to our small table.

"I know that face – woman trouble." Nik smirks.

"You're a dick, you know that? Why didn't you tell me your sister's back in town?" Marcel questions sharply.

"You know Bekah?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"We have...history" Marcel answers, not quite knowing how to word their situation. "Which is why your fiancé should've informed me of her arrival." He adds, looking harshly at Nik.

"Well, I thought it would be more amusing for you to find out for yourself." Nik replies smugly.

"Is there anything else that I need to know?" Marcel questions.

"That this place has really good ice cream." I inform him.

I hope he doesn't tell all of his friends about how great the ice cream is though, they might run out.

"And that Rebekah has grown considerably more insane in the last century." Nik adds.

"Nik!" I scold as I hit his arm.

"Or maybe that it was her who killed my guys?" Marcel accuses.

"Doubtful. Unless that biker bar is frequented by small-town, high school quarterbacks, I can't imagine she'd be interested." Nik replies.

"Ah Ah Ah! Don't speak about high school!"

"Don't speak about high school." Nik speaks in sync with me. "Yes I know Angel. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I graduated early when we left. I'd just like to put it behind me." I explain.

I look over at Marcel as his phone rings and he answers it. "Yeah?"

Due to my slightly enhanced werewolf hearing, I could pick up the other caller's voice pretty easily.

"Just got a tip – someone saw a werewolf in Bienville Park."

"Get a couple night-walkers to run it down. Bring me back its head." Marcel orders.

My eyes widen as I look at Nik.

I knew witches weren't safe here, but werewolves too?

Nik squeezes my hand in reassurance that I'd be okay.

"Well, I guess that solves the mystery of the murdered riffraff. At least my sister's in the clear." Nik pins the blame on the werewolf.

"About that. I don't have time for Mikaelson family drama. You're my guest – keep your sister in line." Marcel says.

"I'd have a greater chance of draining the Mississippi with a straw!" Nik shouts after Marcel as he leaves.


Hey babies!!

I'm so infuriated that I can't see Barbie on opening day, but all the theaters around me are freaking sold out 😡

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