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My eyes flutter open to see a glowing full moon hung proudly in the sky. I stare for a moment, simply basking in its beauty.

My fingers gently brush over the grass- wait...grass?

I slowly sit up from my laying position and look around. I find myself in the middle of a large empty field with rolling hills of lush green grass.

Where am I?

I run my fingers through my hair in confusion, only to get even more confused as I bring my pure white hair up to my eye-line.

I drop the strand of hair as a unsettling feeling washes over me.

I look to my left and see two butterflies fluttering around. The sight brings a smile to my face as they dance happily.

The comforting feeling I had gained was instantly lost as I feel my body unwillingly flatten to the earth. It feels like magnets had tugged my back into the ground as I find myself unable to move.

My mouth opens widely against my will. I lay paralyzed in fear as the two butterflies swarm toward me and crawl down my throat.

My body is released from the invisible hold and my hands immediately go to my neck as I cough violently.

I watch in horror as figure stares at me in the distance. It wears all black. A thick lace veil is placed over its face, hiding their features from me.

My eyes drop the the gloved hand the holds a shining knife.

The figure suddenly breaks into a sprint, running toward me.

I scream in fear, trying to stand up.


What? Where did that voice come from?

"Angel, wake up!"

My eyes snap open to find Nik's worried ones.

My pulse races as i pant for breath.

"My love, are you alright?" Nik asks, concern seeping from his voice.

The only thing I can do in response is let out a small whimper.

Nik immediately pulls me to him, discarding our comforter as he feels my clammy skin.

I cling to him with all my strength as I try to calm down.

"It's okay angel. It was just a dream. Nothing can hurt you now." Nik says softly, trying to sooth me.

As much as I want to believe his words, I can't. It felt too real.

Like something was coming.


After waking up for the second time this morning, I shuffled to the living room where I overheard Hayley's voice asking Nik about what his plan for something was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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