Dean Doesn't Understand 'The Chosen One' Complex

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You started living in this awful apartment, this secluded safe haven with not too much more than the clothes on all of your backs. Now, it seems, the place has swelled up to accumulate so much stuff - which, yes, makes the decor look amazing - but is a major pain in the ass to pack.

"Why do you have these?" Castiel frowned at the pair of knickers he fished from your underwear draw, dumping them and the others in the duffle bag. "It's so small. What does it cover?"

You snatch the bag away to keep doing that sector, trading him to finish the sweatpants and jeans.

"Those kind of things are worn underneath, Cas, they're not supposed to cover, but protect modesty," Balthazar rolled his eyes, sliding out the closet. "Besides, you don't just go through a woman's undergarments and ask questions like that. That's rude."

You nod with Balth. "Yeah...but it's okay Cas. I'm sure you've not seen anyone in their underwear, you're just curious."

The dark haired angel coughed. "I once came into a hotel without warning Sam and Dean, but theirs are different to your flowery undergarments."

Balth's eyes widened as much as your eyebrows found your hairline.

"Let's talk about something else, should we?" You suggest weakly, doing your best to avert the awkward situation. "..."

In the next room, Dean couldn't hear a thing of what you and the two angels were talking about; for which you were glad. It would only have distracted him from what plans he and Gabriel were making to get you safely from the house without catching the attention of monsters and other magical creatures.

"I know of a safe haven you can go to," Gabriel grinned grimly. "This was a safe house, believe it or not...the spell's are worn off, since ______ had been activated, but the other places would keep her safe."

His avocado eyes listened with ever intent to have a plan without a hiccup. But Dean had to ask a question. "Where's this safe house? I don't want to be playing 'follow the leader' when it comes to this evac plan."

Gabriel hums in agreement. "Maine."

Dean's eyebrows shoot upwards. "Maine?" Maine!" He repeats. From what cases he's done that area of the states, he doesn't think you'll like it that much. Or be accustomed to the -

"Maine. Or it's Washington state, if you want to get your Twilight on." He waggles his eyebrows.

Dean doesn't want to get his Twilight on. His and his brother's jobs are to kill the supernatural who step out of line and harm humans. His girlfriend's, however, is to bridge the balance between all species of monster and man, all anarchic creatures and angels. He doesn't want to cause a fight, because thats what will draw the attention to _______'s newfound 'superpowers'.

"Maine it is." Dean nods curtly, and leaves Gabe to sketch out the plans. Taking large steps to the end of the apartment which has the waterworks inside the room, Dean knocks on the door. "Sammy, you still awake in there?"

He hears a cough. "Yeah! Dean, your water pressure is to die for - can't believe you'll have to leave it!" His little brother calls out, no, sings out. Dean could swear that Sam was probably about to begin worshiping the shower. "Have you and the others figured out the plan?"

He has made a plan, but it's not one he likes. "Maine. Our angel buddies have a safe house there." He tries not to sound too disappointed. After a brief pause, Dean adds, "Are you coming with us, or...?"

He hears Sam's laugh. "Of course! Besides, what would I do? Fix computers remotely or something?" Dean hears a splash of water through the door, and fights the urge to tell his brother to 'quit the little mermaid show in there'. "We're a team. All of us."

He huffs. He's not so sure about these angels now. But hell, Dean's been the cause of the end of the world a few times. He shouldn't disprove what his ______ can do without seeing.

"Yeah," he tells Sam. "A team. And don't waste all the hot water, I want one."

Dean chooses to ignore what Sam's said next.

"I swear to God -,"

"Did someone call?" A familiar voice chimes, and Dean takes a few steps backward. It's Him. Chuck Shurley. The author of all their lives - God. "Hello, Dean."

"_______, it's for you!" He calls out. Dean can't look at him. He can't stand breathing the same air as him. Even if Dean can't remember what He made him forget, he can't bear to look.

You see the man who made your life a horror. "Hello, Chuck," you smile. "Whatever can I do, except break up with the man I love, for you?" You act sweet.

Chuck-God laughs. "I'm beyond splitting the pair of you up, and you know it. Now you know the truth about what you are, all you can do is fulfil your purpose, and get on with what you promised two thousand years ago."

You felt Castiel's hand on your shoulder. "Father, we don't speak of the Schism," he muttered.

His hand weighed you down, as so to keep you from throwing yourself onto Chuck-God and pulling his pretty curls out.

"We should," Gabriel rolled his eyes. "It's been long enough. Besides, ______ doesn't remember what she did back then. It's hardly taboo to speak of it."

Dean kept his mouth shut. You leant back into Castiel and glanced to Balthazar, who wasn't looking at his father. You heard the water turn off in the bathroom where Sam showered.

"You woke up, so to speak, born with your abilities," Gabriel spoke up. He rolled his eyes at the glare his father gave him, " - I'm the messenger, Dad, so chill. You just are who you are, no demon or angel blood in you. But you met a guy - this guy," he jerked his thumb to Chuck. "When he was in a different form."

You closed your eyes.

"...and the pair of you went on to make this thing which people still worship. Well, they forget you, they still think of you as not very nice things when they look into what you accomplished."

When you opened your eyes, everyone seemed to be clearer. "I was supposed to call the angels to protect you," you tell Chuck, "and to raise the demons to fight in unison of hell and heaven," you gape. "I didn't. I couldn't."

Chuck's smile reached his eyes. "It's okay, you're forgiven. Everyone is, y'know, but I know you wouldn't have saved me that day. So I gave you an unlimited amount of chances to do the same, to become The Vinculum again, yet you never woke."

Dean huffed. "You have manipulated her life - lives! Plural! - into becoming your personal henchman, to finish what you couldn't. And when she finally did something she wanted, because she chose it; you swoop back in and try to fish her back out." Dean growled. You'd seen him like this before...namely before he'd decapitated vampires whilst being chained up. "Well, guess what, bud? Ain't happenin'."

You pause. "Dean, I think this is more than hunting, right now. Or what happened to us. I have to finish what I've started."

Balthazar hummed. "It'll take a short while, but could we please all leave this ugly house? I'm sure we're to have company soo-,"

He was right.

Chuck checked his watch. "On time, for once."

"Hello darling," the man smiled.

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