Don't Give a Hex

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"You're not still mad about the trip to California?" You persist, switching off the radio. It wasn't like it was AC-DC was playing, Dean wouldn't miss the radio-remix of Brittany Spears' Stronger. He's been broody and silent since crossing the last two boarders. "Babe? Is something wrong?"

Dean shakes his head, and cakes on a fake smile you see straight through. "I'm awesome."

In the back, Sam cackles over the top of his magazine. He's reading some serial celebrity gossip trash, the cover plastered with this week's weight loss tips and fashion faux-pas.

"_______, The Real Housewives of OC were in the area," he folds the magazine like he's a spy in a noir film rather than in a cult TV show. "Dean, along with his thing for Dr Sexy M. D., has a thing for daytime television. I'm surprised you didn't know, actually." The younger Winchester grins.

You give Dean a glance, and switch Brittany back on. "Sorry Dean. I would've hung around to see the rich thin women too if I had known, but..."

He nods, and turns the dial up so the pop sensation sings a little louder in Baby's speakers. "I've got a bigger duty to get you out of this Vinculum mess than, ugh, check out hot chicks."

"That's my man." You nudge his shoulder, and smile. "After this is over, I'll take you back to see the hot chicks."

Dean's face warps into one of an astounded glee. In the rear-view mirror, he stares down his brother: "That's my girl."

You fell asleep sometime later, but by the time you'd woken, Sam and Dean had already swapped shifts for driving, and were hot on the trail up to the top of Idaho. From the corner of your eye, you saw Sam, hands on the wheel and blinking to try and stay awake. That's when you noticed something pulling your hair lightly, tugging.

"What the -,"'

The tugging ceases. "Sorry!" Dean pats your shoulder lightly, kissing the bone. "I - your hair is so pretty. I love the way it looks in the sun," he beams.

Sam harumphs from the front. "Dude, I'm driving, stop making out with your girlfriend aloud with me right next to you." he jests, and gives you a grin. "The town is only a couple of miles away. I mean, get this, while you two have been goofing off, I've done some research -,"

Dean scoffs. "How? You're supposed to be paying attention while driving, you know. Bitch."

Sam makes a face. "Jerk. I had helpers."

You make a face, and turn just in time to see Castiel and Gabriel appear beside Dean. Castiel's lap is laden with a myriad of heavy books, and appears to be studying contently into the thickest of them all. Gabriel is flicking through a graphic novel with two boys on the front, titled Supernatural. Strange.

"Yeah. We are Sam's little helpers, Dean." Gabriel pulled a face. "Anyways, we found out this witch has been sending distress calls out. They're along the lines of - Cas, you remember what the witch was saying?"

Castiel blinks, and clears his throat. "Someone help, something is possessing me." The dark haired angel of the lord repeated.

Sam nodded. "This witch is aware of it! I think it's because of twin consciousness, maybe they had it placed upon them, or it's something to do with you, (y/n), I don't know, genetically, but we are going to help this witch."

You frown. "I don't think I've ever heard you so cheerful about a witch, Samuel Winchester." You tease. "Hey, don't worry. It's not your fault you've been roped along into my crazy life quest."

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