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Kia captives.

"Nishant Chandravanshi. Brother of Nishant Chandravanshi." He introduces more.

"Myself Kia-" lost in his captivation, she speaks.

"I know." He smiles. His smiles has some different elixir. She believes anyone can be hypnotise by him, like the moon. His serenity, makes her feel like amidst of cool breeze, calm surroundings. The whole chaos of fest has turned silent just by his presence.

"Nishant asked me to drop you at your home, safely." His words breaks the trance of Kia's captivation.

Kia nods slowly. In front of him, no words is coming out from her throat. An unnecessary shyness tries to grip her tightly. Now she is not feeling hard to make a straight eye contact with him. If Nishant would present instead of him, she could make some leg pulling to him, but this man, big no.

Siding the crowd, he starts to move out from the fest. Kia is following him, or she thinks his strange captivation making her to follow him. He has a guardian personality.

"Come lady-" he gestures his hand to his car, opening the back seat door. She too was about to enter there while follow him and his instructions, but suddenly she notices there isn't any driver on the front. "Is he himself going to drive?" She confuses. For a common people it's not uncommon, but belonging from such family, this thing is unusual.

"Are yo-u go-ing to dr-ive?" She hesitatingly asks.

"Yes miss." He replies softly.

"Mm.. I didn't want to give you any trouble, actually- sorry- means" her words are tangling up, while speaking in front of his unreactive behaviour.

He smiles looking at her. His smile has an assurance. "It's not any trouble. You don't have to worry about it. I would be glad more."

"Okay". His murmurs lowing her face. Still she remains standing there.

"Any problem?"

"Mm- would you mind if -" Kia stammers.

"What happened?"

"If I share the front sest, please-" she squeezing her eyes speaks in one go.

He laughs. "Ooh-okay okay-" he replies in his that serene voice. Then proceeding he slowly closes the backdoor and instead he opens the front one. Showing his hand gesture forward "Please-", he says.

"Thankyou" she swiftly enters inside. He has so delicate gesture in every step, making Kia very surprised. He is quite different from Nishant totally. Almost contrasting behaviour. But similarity is both are very sensitive and gentle. Nishant's flirting also has a comfortable gentleness.

"Impressive!" Kia comments.

"Blessed you like it." He says and engines his car. Taking out from parking to the main road, they both remain silent. Kia was though in sensing the ambience. Slowly he pull on the glass and turns the air conditioning on. She was vaguely looking at him with her eyes straight but he never turns his eye towards her, not even tries through the mirror.

"Where I will drop you?"

"Should I say direction?" Kia slowly asks. His all questions make her head tangle.

"No no. Just tell me the location, I will figure out."

"Okay, my office address-"

"Office, at this night?" He says cutting her in surprise tone and now looks straight at her.

"Mm- actually-" her thoughts again tangles more. She isn't afraid of him, but asking him to drive upto her home, she is confusing. "It's too far- though."

✿| 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐀 |✿Where stories live. Discover now