Chapter 11: Jacqui Briggs

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The scene cuts to Team S-F at the cockpit of their plane, currently in the air and heading towards the Sky Temple. Jacqui and Takeda are in the pilot's seats, with Cassie and Jin at the computer screens just behind them.

CASSIE: We land in fifteen minutes. We'll enter the Sky Temple from the terrestrial entrance.

TAKEDA: Why not go straight there?

KUNG JIN: It exists in a different quantum state, slightly out of phase from our reality. It can't be reached by conventional means.

Takeda breaths out a heavy sigh, which Jacqui notices.


TAKEDA: It's just us. No one's coming to help. We either pull this off or--

CASSIE: We WILL get it done.

Warning buzzers sound off through the plane. Before it looms the clouds that have been corrupted by the Jinsei. Cassie and Jin get out of their seats for a closer look.

KUNG JIN: By the... what is that?!

TAKEDA: Dunno. But it's headed right for us.

KUNG JIN: Elder Gods have mercy.

As the cloud looms closer, it produces turbulence that rocks the plane.

JACQUI: Buckle up, people! I gotta put her down.

Cassie and Jin race back to their seats. The scene cuts to the forest near the temple. Jacqui has landed the plane without crashing, and Team S-F have exited without issue. The corrupted light from the clouds above them has given the forest a distinctly red hue.

JACQUI: Looks like the temple entrance is fifteen clicks that way.

She points off to the distance.

TAKEDA: A moonlight walk in the woods. Another time, it'd be relaxing.

JACQUI: I wouldn't have pegged you for outdoorsy.

TAKEDA: My mother and I lived near a forest a lot like this. Really takes me back.

Jacqui smiles at this - it's quite clear she's warming up to Takeda's charm.

JACQUI: After we wrap this up, we should go.

He looks at her and smiles back. They spend a brief moment staring warmly at one another, before looking over to Cassie and Jin standing on one of the plane wings, reparing the motor. Cassie slams down her tools in frustration.

CASSIE: Fuck me! We're grounded. That shockwave fried the leads.

JACQUI: Then let's get going. We're almost outta time.

A portal opens up behind them. Kotal Kahn emerges, flanked by Erron Black, Ermac, Ferra/Torr, Reptile and several of his soldiers.

KUNG JIN: What are they doing here?

JACQUI: Looking for the amulet, I bet.

TAKEDA: We have to tell them about Shinnok. Call a truce.

Kotal spots Team S-F and does not look happy to see them. He points in their direction with his macuahuitl and addresses his soldiers.

KOTAL: Bring them to me!

His soldiers roar out battle cries and charge forward.

CASSIE: Or not.

JACQUI: The woods! C'mon!

They flee. The scene cuts to Kotal's forces walking through the woods, searching for their prey. Cassie and Jacqui hide behind two large trees as the search party walks past.

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