I'm waiting with Shane inside what I think is the dressing room for the boys so we can talk about a few things and go over contracts and stuff. I know Shane is mad, I can always tell when he's mad and right now he's fuming.
The boys walk in and greet me and Shane. "Okay so right now we're on a week break from touring since we didn't have a guitarist but now we do which is good," Niall said smiling at me. "So for this week we're going to have to rehearse to get you all caught up then we go on the road next Saturday" he pulled out paperwork from his files.
He hands me a small stack of papers. "These say things like, don't post unreleased songs on social media, what rules you have to follow out in public which is just stuff like don't get into fights or cause a huge scene, it also saying your role in the band, it's just a bunch of nonsense if you ask me" I nod and he hands me his pen.
I give over a few details on the paper not paying too much attention. I'm sure as I go along the boys will help me with all the details, I don't want to be here long since Shane is here.
I sign the papers and then look at the boys. They all smile at me.
"Alight welcome aboard" Louis shakes my hand. "We will see you tomorrow after your AA meeting" I give him a slight nod.
"Thank you guys, It was nice meeting you. I'll see you tomorrow" I smile at them and then walk out the door.
I did it, I got the job.
Although I was happy I didn't have much time to celebrate for as soon as we reached the car Shane's anger was in his body language.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me" he yelled looking at me. I just sit there silently. "You got the fucking job. You out of everyone else" he's in disbelief.
"Are you mad that I got the fucking job?!?" I yell back, I never yelled back before.
He stares at me dead in the face, His anger is like something I've never seen before. Just then he smacks me in the face. My cheek is stinging as I feel a slight wetness. I grab my cheek then pull my hand away looking down at the dark crimson liquid.
"You will learn how to speak to me or get fucked up" he warned as he turns on the car. I sit there in silence as I look down at the blood on my hand.
The rest of the ride home was quiet.
As we made it home I felt very uneasy. I've always felt uneasy but now I feel it a lot more.
When we walked inside Shane went straight to the fridge to grab a beer, I just went into the bathroom. I look at my face and see a cut on my cheekbones with a bruise surrounding it.
I wash my face carefully to not irritate it. Once the makeup was off I grabbed the first aid kit and put a bandage over the cut. Shane walks by the door and just stands there, "So you learn your lesson?" his voice was harsh and daunting. He walks over behind me and looks at me through the mirror.
I just nod my head.
He then turns me around and pulls me closer to him, his jaw clenched. He brings his hand up my chin and lifts my head so I'm looking into his eyes. I take a deep breath and feel a pit in my stomach.
"Use your words, you don't want to make it worse for yourself, sweetheart" he looks down at my lips and then back into my eyes. I look at him and freeze up.
"I learned my lesson" I look down at my shoes, and he then lets go of my chin. He leans down to my ear.
"Might want to put some ice on that" he whispers then walks away leaving me alone in the bathroom.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I have no way of hiding this tomorrow.
How will Harry respond?
I take a deep breath and look away from my reflection, I walk out of the room and go into the kitchen. I grab an Ice pack and also look for something the eat for dinner.
I just want something quick so I can sleep. Today was been long.
I just grab leftovers from the other night and put them in the microwave. I sit down and put the ice pack on my face.
It hurts to even apply the slight pressure.
Once the food was done I sat it down at the table and walked over to the fridge to grab a drink.
I crave the taste of beer, I crave the sense of security it gives me. The way it makes me feel after I had an extremely long day.
How it makes the pain go away.
I take a deep breath and grab a water. I sit back down and start eating. I want today to be over with.
Harry pov:
Mackenzie just left and I'm all alone in the dressing room as the boys decided to conjugate in the hallway, I have been debating our decision. Maybe it was a wrong idea to choose Mackenzie. She's amazing don't get me wrong but I don't know. The reasoning behind why we really need a new guitarist is too complicated.I walk out of my dressing room and meet the boys in the hallway, "You think she'll be able to do the jobs though? I mean yeah she's a bloody fantastic guitarist and we obviously need someone who's good at playing, but the main reason is the jobs" I hear Nialls' voice echo down the hall.
"I don't know, something doesn't seem right. I don't want something bad happening to her" All the boys look at me and give me death glares.
"Don't go all soft styles, you know the rules" I roll my eyes and just give me a small nod.
I can't get attached.
Mackenzie pov:
I slept on the couch, I was demoted to the couch since I didn't feel safe in my bed. It's crazy how one thing can change your whole perspective of a person.I have AA in an hour but I have no motivation to get up. Shane has already left for work, we haven't talked since yesterday. I don't even know what we would say to each other.
I scroll aimlessly through my phone and try to find some kind of video or game to occupy my mind but fail.
Why are phones so boring?
I used to be obsessed with my phone and be on it 24/7, it was always in my hand. But now since I have cut all my old friends off I have nothing of importance on my phone.
Shane made me delete all my old friends' numbers as he saw them as a problem. They all tried to warn me about him and how he was a walking red flag. So he made me cut them out of my life.
I don't even have social media anymore.
I finally decided to get up and ready for AA, I still have no idea what I'm going to do about my cheek. It has gotten swollen over the night and hurts so much that it's causing me to have a headache.
I go into the closet and pick out a decent outfit, I would just wear sweatpants and a hoodie but I have to meet up with the boys after.
I grab some ripped skinny jeans with a cropped long-sleeve shirt with just some blue vans. I just put my hair in a ponytail since it's messy just so I can get it out of my face.
I go into my bathroom and try to think of a clever way of hiding my cheek, my mind is blank. I can't apply makeup due to the pain and no amount of makeup would hide it. I can't badge it up because I don't have any big bandages. I just decided to leave it. I'll have to think of a clever way to give a justification for what happened.
I can say I fell? or maybe that I have a dog and he got a little too excited and accidentally bit me.
For the first time, I want a dog.
I take a deep breath to calm my nerves grab my bag and guitar case then head out the door.
Today should be fun.

Fanfiction"Oh but you see sweetheart, there's so much more I am capable of. You see me from the outside, a guy who can just look at a person once and have them held captive by a smile, but on the inside, I'm a monster" His words echoed through the walls, I t...