"Kenzie? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked confused through the phone. I hear people in the background.
"I'm drunk," she said slurring her words slightly. I felt a pit in my stomach.
"Kenzie where are you? are you okay?" I hear her talk to someone from the other line, not sure what is fully going on.
"Hello??" I ask confused, I hear someone grab her phone.
"Hey, this is Skye, I tried grabbing her phone so she wouldn't call anyone. She's coming to stay at my place tonight, she'll be just fine I'm sorry to worry you" a girl said from the other end of the phone.
"Are you sure? I can pick her up" I said confused as to what was going on, I hear people talking on the other end of the phone.
"Yeah don't worry, sorry about all of this" Just then the phone call ends, I take a deep breath and sit on my bed. I shook my head and just lay my head down, before I knew it I fall asleep.
Kenzie pov:
I wake up on a couch, I try and sit up to look around but I'm in a lot of pain. I groan and slowly sit up. "Careful love," Skye said walking in with a cup of tea. "What happened?" I asked confused as she handed me a cup of tea and I take a sip."Well you drank quite a bit last night, though you might need a place to crash so I brought you here," She said softly as she turned on her TV. I lean over only to feel an immense amount of pain in my ribs.
"Where's the restroom?" I ask softly she points to a door across the room. I slowly get up and stumble to the door while she helps me.
I close the door behind me and hunch over the sink. I slowly lift my shirt to see a bunch of bruises all over my chest and stomach. I sigh and pull it down. I start feeling nauseous and before I knew it I was throwing up. When I was finished I looked down and Just saw red. I take a deep breath and run some water. I quickly clean it up and clean myself up. I convince myself that I am fine.
I walk out and she's set me out food and something to drink, "here this will help you sober up before you have AA and rehearsal" I give her a confused look. "You talk a lot when you're drunk, only wish you told me why you're covered in bruises," she said softly.
4 hours later:
It's finally time for AA, "Is my car here?" I asked needed to change. "Yes actually I had Frank drive it over seeing that you had all your stuff in it" She handed me my keys and I slowly got up and walked outside to my car. I have to walk slowly because I am in so much pain.
I quickly get an outfit, a long black turtle neck with some blue mom jeans. not a very stylish outfit but I need something to cover up the bruises on my neck and arms.
"Thank you by the way, for letting me crash," I told Skye as I finish putting my shoes on. "Are you sure you're going to be okay? You got a place to stay tonight?" I give her a soft nod. "I always land on my feet" She gives me a soft hug. I return it and head out.
I make it to AA, I take a deep breath not wanting to leave my car but before I can even open my door I see Harry walking over. Wait did I call him last night? Shit.
I open my door and he stands in front of my car, "How are you feeling?" he asks worriedly. "I'm fine" I smile at him as I start walking to the building him following behind me.
I take my seat and Harry sits next to me. I try to avoid eye contact or any contact in general.
I'm embarrassed about last night, I slipped up on my sobriety all because of Shane. Although a part of me deep down thinks it's all my fault. I lashed out at him knowing better, I know better than to talk back to him. I know what happens when I do things like this. I shouldn't have done it, I should have just got my stuff and walked out.
Harry touches my shoulder I flinch bringing me out of my trance. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I look at him he gives me a concerned look. "Are you okay?" he said softly I just give him a nod.
The meeting ends and Harry walks with me to my car. "See you at rehearsal," I said as I got into my car. He bents down so his head is in my window.
"You know you can talk to me right? If you need anything you can talk to me" I give him a slight nod. "Last night, I don't know if you remember because you did sound pretty out of it. You called me. I was about to pick you up but your friend said she got you. If you need a place tonight you can crash in my hotel room" He said softly yet confidently. He was trying to get it through my mind that he has my back.
"Thank you, I'm sorry for calling you. I'll be okay for tonight tho" I was hoping that he wouldn't see the piles of clothes in the back of my car. He gives me a nod and then walks away to his car.
Harry pov:
I make it to rehearsals, and as soon as I walk in the boys are crowded around the computer. I walk over and sit next to Niall. "Yo Styles, a new task," he said patting my back. I roll my eyes and look at the screen. BANK HEIST. Wonderful another fucking heist, we just did one earlier this month now we have to do another one?
"Okay, when do we have to do it?" I ask looking at them. "About that, we have to do it by Friday. Also, Kenzie can't know, if she were to find out you know what would happen" Louis said sternly.
"But she's going to be a part of all of this soon, what would happen if she found out sooner? I'm not going to tell her but you know she's going to be here constantly, what if she catches on" I said shrugging. Louis looks at the boys and then back at me.
"She would get hurt"

Fanfiction"Oh but you see sweetheart, there's so much more I am capable of. You see me from the outside, a guy who can just look at a person once and have them held captive by a smile, but on the inside, I'm a monster" His words echoed through the walls, I t...