A Small Problem.. BUT NOT MY FAULT!

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Things seemed off today.. I got a new location on the map but I hadn't been in the app at all since the cave incident. It was a portal. Of course my curiosity got the best of me and I clicked it. It was a portal in front of me, I hesitated but went in anyway. Despite the odd feeling it was giving me. When I entered, it was the void. Well nothing good is gonna come out of this place..

???:Pins me down
Me:Freaked out "Hey!- ... E.V???"
E.V:Annoyed "...You're not her."
Me:"I'm not who??"
E.V:"That more annoying version of you. I haven't seen you in a while, you got uglier.."
Me:"First off, rude.. And second, DIDN'T YOU DIE??!!"
E.V:Irritated "Yeah, it's called a REVIVAL you IDIOT. Anyway why are you here??"
Me:Shrugs "Curiosity killed the monkey."
E.V:"It's "Curiosity killed the cat"- ... That was a racist joke...."
Me:Rolls eyes "It's not racist if you're already black, no brain."
E.V:"You know what, I'll just do it on you instead." Throws an energy orb at me
E.V:"That didn't even hurt!"
Me:"I know, it's a reflex. Anyway WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT??"
E.V:Grins "Bad luck."
Me:"I already have that!"
E.V:"I don't know how the other villains are going to have the patience to deal with you.." Sends me through a portal

Before I knew it I was back at square one, falling through the house's roof.

Crystal:Annoyed "Seriously?? That's the third time this week!!" Teleports
Me:"Okk.." Gets up

I started thinking about what E.V said, what bad luck was she talking about?? I have enough already so I doubt it even worked. I guess I spoke too soon because a couple seconds later I fell unconscious.

*C.J's P.O.V*
*A Few Seconds Earlier*

C.J:Smiles "Heck yeah! It worked!"
C.C.J:"What worked?"
I.E:Sitting on the ceiling "That dumb ray gun shes been making."
C.J:Looking at Nine "It's not dumb!"
I.E:Grinning "All it does is shrink stuff, so that makes it automatically dumb!"
C.C.J:Smiles "I wanna try!!"
C.J:"It's still being test on, Chrome.."
I.E:"C.J it's a shrink ray, what needs to be tested??"
C.J:"It could malfunction, not shrink things correctly, it could explode-"
C.C.J:Holding the shrink ray "CHAOS!!" Shoots at a mirror

*The shot bounces back*

C.C.J and C.J:Ducks

*The shot leaves the room, and hits something in another room*

C.J:Irritated "Chrome!"
C.C.J:"I let my inner thoughts win!!"
I.E:"That shot definitely hit something."
C.J:Groans "Great, now we gotta go find whatever it hit and figure how to fix it.. Thanks Chrome."
C.C.J:Smiles "You're welcome!"
C.J:Face palms "That wasn't- ughh, never mind. Let's just go look for whatever it hit.."
C.C.J:"Yay! Scavenger hunt!! It'll be like Easter but in July!!"
I.E:Smiles "Heck yeah! Instead of eggs we should make it bombs so you HAVE to find them or they'll explode!"
C.J:Leaves the room "What am I gonna do with you too?.."
I.E:Follows "Watch us destroy the world!!"
C.C.J:Also follows "WORLD DOMINATION!!!"

*To Be Continued*


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