Dark waters

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Warning: I know jack shyt about diving.
I've never even seen the ocean. So expect
some very wrong and very unrealistic diving.


AAAND GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY! I'm John Byres, your host and welcome back to On the water and into the deep. The podcast that gives you the latest interesting news from out on and in the waters as well as the place that talks and speculates true and mythic stories from the deep!

Now I'm sure some of you have already heard about a tragic and rather frightening yet mysterious sounding divers incident that happened in shkkkk about a week ago. For those of you who haven't well, that's what we'll be talking and debating about today, since they just released to the public some new and rather bizarre insight, word of mouth from the lone survivor herself. Now the survivor Tya Akins has been in a hospital psych ward since the incident and has refused to talk about what happened up until just yesterday. The story she told however is ..uh a little unbelievable which is where the speculation comes in.

Before we get into that though I want to make it clear that I in no way mean anything offensive to the poor young lady who survived this horrible incident and the families of the missing people. These are true events that happened and people are still missing and suspected to be deceased through fowl play. My sympathies go out to the families and the young lady who survived.

Ahm, alright so about a week ago a group of 5 young adult humans, two girls Tya and Shay. And three boys Dan, Tyler, and Jeff. Had decided to go out to do some deep sea, night diving far out around the shkkkk area, hoping to see some squid. Now they were all experienced in deep sea diving and night diving and had done it plenty of times before. It was a new area unfamiliar to them though.

Well, that night none of them had returned from their dive. So the families who had become worried sick that the group had left in the middle night for a dive. Which again they were experienced and have done this a ton of times before and have always come back in the early dawn of the mornings, didn't come back this time. They assumed the worst as they should have and called up the coast guard to have them check the area where their loved ones had said they'd be diving around.

So the guard sent out a couple guys and they discovered the group's boat silently floating out on the water. When they boarded they couldn't immediately find any sign of life and the boat was trashed. Things were broken and smashed. There were strange claw like marks found on the side of the boat and all over in the wheelhouse. Much more worrisome however was all the blood staining the deck and the still unidentified tar like substance found as well. It's speculated that a monster may have been the culprit because of these things.

Upon further inspection they found someone hiding in the boat's storage space. One of the missing people called in by a worried family member. Tya Akens. Ms. Akens had a deep bite wound on her arm and her behavior had been extremely paranoid. She was incredibly frightened and untrusting of the guards.

Tya didn't believe that her rescuers were real and had been adamant that they were going to harm her in some way. She had refused to leave the storage place. When asked where the others were she refused to answer, only crying, hyperventilating and babbling frightened gibberish to herself and them. She had been too hysterical at the time to think or speak normally. Eventually they had to physically remove her from the storage space. The entire time she screamed about the thing in the water and how they were going to throw her to it as a sacrifice for her sins.

So that's the story we've heard up until now. Very tragic and frightening. The rest of the group still hasn't been found. A monster has been thought to possibly be the perpetrator and even Ms. Akens has been speculated but nothing has been proven.

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