Chapter 9

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Loose's shop sign says general store, the tooth fairy and Molar go in, there a many shelves, all are stacked with food, and other household stuff, at the back of the shop, behind a bench, sits a tooth, she has a few chips off her, and she wears glasses, she's busy reading, when the tooth fairy and Molar come to stand in front of her, Loose is startled, "oh my goodness, you scared me, I was busy reading this book about humans", "that's OK Loose, I would like you to meet Molar", "hello Molar, I've heard about you from Fang, he says you think you're not important, and your job is boring", "yes, but not any more, after I talked to Gnash, I now know, I'm just as important as any tooth, and my job can be boring at times, but is important too", Loose nods her head in agreement, the tooth fairy smiles, "let me show you around my store", the tooth fairy and Molar follow Loose around the small shop, "you can eat sweets, chips and other foods in moderation, which means eating them a little bit, you must always eat your fruit and vegetables too, they will help you be strong", "I will from now on" Molar says, "yes, eating different foods, helps you become more healthy and strong, brushing your teeth, makes them healthy too" Molar says, "yes, now you've got it" the tooth fairy says, "yes, and if you are healthy, you'll feel healthy" Loose says, "can I ask about you're story?" Molar asks, "yes you can" Loose says heading back to her desk, "I was once a healthy tooth, but one day, my human had an accident, that's how I got my chips, I also became loose, a few days later, I fell out, the tooth fairy came to get me, and I've been working here ever since", "oh I'm so sorry Loose," that's OK, accidents happen" Loose says, "well, we must be going, it's nearly morning, I have to take you back Molar", "OK, I'm ready to go home, bye Loose", "bye Molar, bye tooth fairy", "bye" the tooth fairy says.

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