Part 9

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"Mmhh... right there. Yeah... that's it... Ooh... So good... Harder please... Oh yes... yes right there..."


"Yes. Oh my God... So good..."

Karina laughs when she hears the constant moaning and groaning, shaking her head as she walks inside the bedroom to see Minjeong sprawled on the bed with Erica massaging her foot.

"This girl has magic hands," Minjeong tells her now-official wife. "Where's the ointment?"

Karina tosses a small tube of ointment towards the woman and sits at the vanity to remove her make-up.

The blonde groans again and closes her eyes, letting the girl continue massaging her aching calves and feet.

Karina soon leaves the room to take a shower and Erica scoots up to sit next to Minjeong, watching her dab the ointment onto the small cuts on her toes. "Do they hurt?"

"Just a little. They'll be okay and dry tomorrow, hopefully," says the blonde. "Otherwise I can just put band-aid on them."

"Can you walk?" asks Erica.

Minjeong smiles and sets the ointment tube on the nightstand. "Of course. I'll be fine." She kisses her cheek and hugs her, leaning back against the headboard with the girl in her arms. "Thanks for that awesome massage and for being so obedient and helpful today. You were so pretty in that dress," she says as she strokes Erica's hair. "Best flower girl and ring bearer ever."

"You're welcome."

"I'll miss you but we'll be back in a week," Minjeong says, placing another kiss on the girl's head, suddenly reluctant about leaving her while she and Karina go on their honeymoon.

"I'll miss you too."

"Have fun with Grandpa and everyone, okay? We'll bring you lots of gifts and souvenirs from Hawaii."

The girl nods then straightens up, moving out of Minjeong's hold. "Can we open the presents now?"

"Sure. Let's go."

Grunting, Minjeong scoots off the bed, following the girl who has energetically run out to open the stack of wedding presents in the living room.

They're soon joined by Karina who sits on the couch, watching them in her bathrobe with her hair tied up in a bun.

Erica shows her mother the gifts she likes best then goes to take a shower when she's told to.

"I am exhausted," Minjeong says as she drags herself to the couch, plopping next to Karina, clinging to her. "You smell so nice and clean, Mrs. Doctor Kim," she mumbles as she sniffs and nuzzles her wife's cheek and neck.

"Thank you, Mrs. Regional Brand Manager Yu."

Minjeong chuckles. "That's a very long title. But it sounds very cool." She lifts her head and kisses Karina, feeling happier than she could've ever imagined. "So how was the medium-sized wedding for you?"

"Best day of my life because now my family's complete," replies Karina, smiling at her wife before giving in to her kisses again. "Love you."

"Love you. I can't remember the last time I cried like that," Minjeong says, referring to the tear jerking exchange of vows earlier that day.

"I mean every word. I never knew love like this existed until I met you. It's not perfect for nothing is, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. You've been such a comfort, a very helpful partner and how you love Erica... I thought it would be impossible to find that in anyone. We've come so far..." the brunette pauses, trying hard not to cry again. "I can't believe we're here."

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