4- Promise

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This is the bad ending, there will a be a good ending... after a few chapters 😈
(I was do uncomfortable writing this my god)

Tw: gore, death.


I woke up in 4's bed, I look around 4 is in his chair working on something his face filled with boredom


"Oh shit, you're up.. uh welcome up...."

I coughed and 4 looked away


"What's up?.."

"Do you think the person you like will ever love you back?"

I winced at the question, 4 turned his chair to face me

"...no, never.."

4's face fell dramatically at that, I can't tell him though.. I just can't...

"W-well, can I at least go on a walk in the forest with you..?"

I can hear 4's voice cracking up, he clears his throat and fixes his posture

"Look 3, your health is..deteriorating at an alarming rate..its...horribly quick, and.. if I'm going to loose you..I want to at least spend some time with you.."

I look at 4 straight in the eyes, his eyes are glossy with tears streaming down his face

"Well, I gotta make you look stupid one last time..scrub"

He chuckles and so do i, I get up and we both start heading to the door


3 and I have made it out the castle, he's... coughing very often, I can't have feelings for him, if I take him away from his lover, he'll die, guaranteed..

"I'll miss you..."

"No you won't I'm just a grumpy emo burden."

"You're the deranged family's grumpy emo burden.."


Him and I Walk along the path that leads into the forest lake, it was silent for the most part, the night noises, the distant sound of water, and the sounds of 3 slowly dying...

"It's funny.."

"What's funny 3?"

"It went from us against eachother, to us against the world, to us against this disease.."

"I get it now.."

smg3 coughed instead of laughed, I felt myself start to tear up, he's really just gonna..die..I gulp down my tears, we've made it to clearing and the lake, where I just wanna sit and talk with 3,to give him a peaceful death, so he doesnt die alone..

I take a deep breath before moving foward and sitting down at the grassy area, just before the lake, 3 followed shortly after, we sat in mostly silence for a bit, being interrupted by smg3s harsh coughing .

"You're just gonna...die?"


*cough, cough,cough coughcough*

It's happening...he's...no...no.no.no.
I grab his hand

"No..3..please don't leave me..please.."

3 was gasping for air, until, he screamed the loudest I've ever heard someone scream, I watched in horror as I saw his eye grow into a rose...my favorite blue rose..3 screamed again I heard a gross squish sound, another blue rose ripped his way through his chest, I started sobbing

"P-please- no...oh god.."


I look up from his hand which I head in front of my face

"Promise me.."


"That...you'll move on.."


"You'll remember...I love you..."

"please don't get stuck

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"please don't get stuck..on..me..take care of my..kids..for me...."

The realization hit me harder than axols death....

he..was in love with me..this entire time..and.. i..killed him..by-


I squeezed his hand hard


Just like that...he...was..gone..he...died..he's.. right there...lifeless...



I dragged myself out of my room to go hang out with the crew.


Meggy stopped there and just hugged me, I hugged her back and sobbed into her shoulder, she is like a sister to me..

"4...you've got 2 people to take care of..don't leave us."

"I won't..I promise"

Just them eggdog and Terrance ran up to me, I pulled out of the hug and kneeled down to pick them up, eggdog went on my head and Terrance went on my shoulder..

'I promise 3..'



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