A Rendezvous with the Devil

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"Well, Red, black suits you," Natasha smirked as we walked down the hall.

"I'd like to be an honorary widow now. Red Widow." I knelt to the ground, flipping my hair like Natasha has done dozens of times.

"I don't do that."

"Yes, you do."

"I'm not going to argue with you right now, but just know that I am right and you are wrong," she concluded. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, onto Loki. He's obviously got some obsession with you and the belief that he can easily manipulate you."

"First mistake." She smiled.

"Exactly. Hold your ground until you start to get something from him. That's when you start acting scared. There's no need to actually be afraid. He won't be getting out of that cage on his own. Trust me. When the time is right, bust out the fake tears. Throws 'em for a loop every time."

"Got it," I nodded. She handed me her ear piece.

"If you need anything, we'll be right here," Agent Coulson added as I put it in my ear. He opened the door as I walked up. As soon as I stepped in, I took in Loki. He didn't look my way. Rather, he kept his back to me. I walked up in silence, crossing my arms as I stood outside of his prison.

"You called?" I didn't even need to act annoyed. He turned around with a smirk on his face. I could see why women fell for him. He was charming and something about the mischievous look that always filled his face was enticing.

"Alexis Stark, so kind of you to join me."

"How did you find my name?"

"Oh, darling, there isn't much unknown to me." I glared. He motioned to the seat beside me. "Go on. Pull up a seat." I glanced at it.

"What's your plan?" I knew everyone in the control room had to think I was jumping the gun. They were wrong.

"I have no plan."

"Then why did you want to talk to me?"

"Can't I just enjoy your company?"

"I never pictured myself as a prisoner's wife," I teased, stepping closer. "Something about the glass of separation was never appealing to me."

"We can easily fix that, my love."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"It would be for your benefit."

"None of this is benefiting me." I brought my hand to the glass. I met his gaze, nodding towards my hand. A moment later, he brought his hand up to mine. I hummed. "So close. Yet so far." I turned on my heel. "Bye now, oh Ass Guard of Trickery."

"Where are you going?"

I turned around to face him, continuing to back up. "You have nothing to offer me. So I'm leaving." I turned back towards the entrance.

"Wait," he demanded. A small smirk formed on my face. I covered it up quickly, turning back to face him.

"Yes?" He studied me for a moment. "If you don't have anything else to say, Loki, I-"

"You're quite the actress, aren't you?"


"Yes, Ms. Stark, you, much like your father, are quite headstrong." I raised an eyebrow, slowly walking towards him.

"And you perceive that to be an act?"

He continued without answering me. "You underestimate me."

"How so?"

"Where's your mother, Alexis?" Oh, this is the route we're taking?

"She, she left when I was younger."

"And whose fault is that?"

"She got a job offer so it-"

"Is that truly what you think?" I furrowed my brow. "Or is that the lie you've made up to make yourself feel better?" He observed me for a second before motioning for me to come closer. I reluctantly did so. "Now, darling, be honest." I met his gaze, letting my eyes dart back and forth between his eyes. He could sense my fear. Or what he thinks is fear. "Tell me."

"She wasn't ready to be a mom," I admitted in a quieter voice while still keeping my voice steady.

"Or she wasn't ready to be your mom? Because a one night stand turned positive test is everyone's worst nightmare." He stepped closer to the glass. "Is that the truth, Alexis?"

"What do you care?" I asked.

"Because it's all a part of the facade you put up." I crossed my arms. "So now, it's you and your dad and maybe that poor excuse he has of a CEO lover..." It took everything in me not to defend Pepper with a fist to his face. "...but what happens one day when they have children? Children they actually wanted and loved? You're pushed to the back again. That's why you're holding on so tight to being in this pathetic team." He motioned around us. I didn't take my eyes off him. "You need a place to belong. Something to give reason to your made up pride and bravery. You act as if you have everything together. As if you belong. Yet you weren't even supposed to be born, Alexis Stark." I let my lip quiver as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "You're the biggest mistake to happen to everyone in your life, and you know it. But all it takes is one of them seeing you for who you really are and your entire character falls to the ground, leaving behind you." Damn, he's good. No wonder people fear him. "And this team you care so deeply for won't even exist. Ms. Romanoff, Barton, Rogers." I pinched the inside of my arm to keep my expression the same. I met Steve ten seconds ago. How could he mean anything in this scenario? "They'll all be gone because of you. Because after I've allowed them to be torn limb for limb in front of your very eyes, you'll know what's really at your core, Ms. Stark. Then, I'll let your father kill you. In one final moment, you can finally beg for mercy, and I will be the only one left to free you." His eyes had darkened. I honestly could've been afraid of him if I felt his words carried any weight. I quickly turned away from him, putting my hands on the railing behind me. I sniffed as I shook my head.

"I could never stand by your side," I whispered with a shaky voice.

"Why's that darling?" I could hear the pride in his voice.

"You, you're actually a monster."

He laughed, and I knew I had him. "No, Alexis, your beloved team brought the monster aboard." Banner.

I stood up straight, wiping away the few tears that slipped down my face before turning around. His face dropped. "Banner? Really?"


"Sorry for the waterworks," I smirked. "My mistake." I made my way to the door, holding my hand to the earpiece to push the talk button. "He's got some plan for the Hulk. Keep an eye on Banner." Once I got outside, Natasha nodded.

"I think you just earned your Red Widow title."

"Learned all my tricks from you," I smiled, wrapping my arm around her waist as she put hers over my shoulders.

"Let's go get the team."

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