Party in Germany

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My flight went perfectly. Luckily, a private jet means I was able to sleep for the majority of the eight hour flight. I met up with Chelsea, and we grabbed a quick lunch before roaming to some of her favorite shops.

It wasn't long before we went back to her penthouse to get ready for the party.

"This view is insane," I sighed, looking out the window as I put on my shoes. You could see the entire city from up here.

"As I remember, you have a view that is just as breath-taking," she pointed out, sitting beside me.

"Well, yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that this is absolutely crazy. And in Europe." I stood up once I got my shoes clipped, straightening out my dress. "Have you found your European love story yet?" Chelsea's dad had taken a big promotion a couple of years ago so their entire family moved to Germany. The biggest thing that we talked about when they were packing up was how she would find herself a sexy European man and get married.

"Unfortunately, no," she sighed, standing up as well. "But in that dress, you'll probably find one before me." I laughed.

"Not a chance."

We grabbed our bags before heading downstairs to her driver. Let's just say the move got them a lot of perks, including a driver to all work events.

Once we arrived, there were already an insane amount of people there.

"Wow, I didn't expect this party to be so huge," I smiled, looking around as we walked in. The decoration was extremely elaborate, and the food looked to die for. They had a live band and everything. A waiter came up and offered us wine, which we both took.

"Oh, these parties are always just as insane as the ones back home. If not bigger." We moved further into the party and chatted with a few of Chelsea's friends before we were greeted by a couple of guys. We all talked about why we were here, and as someone gave their answer, I noticed someone up on the second floor, watching over everyone. It was some guy with longer black hair in a suit. For a brief moment, we made eye contact. He looked so familiar...

"Would you care to dance?" Emmett, one of the two guys, asked with his hand in front of him. I looked back at him before slipping my hand into his.

"I would love to." We made our way to the dance floor. "I'm going to be honest with you..." I rested my hand on his shoulder as he put his on my waist. "I'm not up to date on any German polka dances so if you're about to tell me you have ten years of background in dancing, this might end poorly for me." He smiled, shaking his head.

"Don't worry. This song is just a simple waltz."

"Then lead the way." He slipped his hand to my lower back.

"Gladly." We chatted as we danced, and I found myself laughing more than I thought I would. As the song came to a close, everyone clapped. Someone walked onstage and began giving a speech.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and find the ladies' room."

"It was nice meeting you." He brought my hand to his lips. Damn these European men.

"You too," I smiled. That smile remained on my face as I went into the hallway. I rounded the corner, stopping abruptly as I came face to face with the guy I had seen on the second floor. My hands instinctively went to his chest to keep from completely running into him. He didn't even budge. He just stared down at me with an amused look. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"No need to be sorry, darling." He glanced down at my dress. "Green looks lovely on you." I studied his gaze for a moment before it hit me. This is Loki. I pulled my hands away from his chest while trying to remain calm. His hands remained on my upper arms.

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