Chapter 4

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on the next day, which was the day before Ali's mission, he woke up and went to have breakfast with his grandfather to hear the rest of the story that his grandfather must finish today to be ready for the mission the next day. The two gathered around the food, and the grandfather continued his story, saying: After Tiam swore that Samer would be the means of war for our tribe, and that he would be the future king of the city that he would build, a city that would have no equal anywhere in the world, a city that he would be the king of, Tiam ordered his servants to go with him to the land he had chosen to build the new city on, which was called Washendi. The city, as the grandfather Khalid told us, was very vast. On that day, Tiam ordered the presence of construction and architecture engineers whom he had been preparing for that day. He explained to them the shape of the city, but with his magic, Tiam could make them see the shape of the city he wanted it to be. He made them see how the city would look like after three years, as building the city would take three continuous years until it is completed in the initial form he imagined, but the development will continue over years and years, as Tiam swore that his city would be advanced and developed, but no one would know anything about it because it would be hidden from people's eyes. Tiam gave the instructions and orders to start building, and he collected around ten thousand workers to work on building the city. At the same time, his tower, Tiam's Tower, was his palace from which he governed until the new city was built. Tiyam ordered his slave girl, Hutun, who had become his wife, to take care of Samer, whom he named Nalan. All of this happened after Samer was kidnapped a week ago. After that, Tiyam sent a message to Qasim and said to him:

I killed your son as you killed my daughter, and the seal on your son's leg will be a sign of this. However, our war is not over yet. Your son will grow up and this seal will be passed down to certain people of his descendants. The seal will remain with them for eight generations. When the seal appears on one of his descendants, then he will be the chosen one for a new war between us. The victor will be the one whose tribe will boast of it for a hundred years. But you must keep this message well and keep it with you until your son becomes twenty years old. Then, give him this message. After delivering the message, he will receive a book that contains eight laws. Each law will appear to the owner of the seal, and the victorious one will immortalize his name among the tribes. That's enough for now, but the message is a trust in your hands. If your other son is still alive, then fulfill what's in it... The talk has ended.

This was the text of the message that Al-Qasim received from Tiam, after which he screamed in pain that Tiam had killed his son. He became sad for the fate of his other son and for the wars that were written on the descendants of his offspring thereafter. Al-Qasim's wife did not believe what she heard from her husband about the message and did not believe that her son had been killed, and that there would be a future chain of blood that would run through her son Khalid's descendants. What a bad luck for her son.

The tribe was disturbed after this message and sadness spread throughout the place. The mother of the two children's tears did not stop as she cried for her killed son and for her other son whose future was threatened by Tiam the seer. Al-Qasim went to his father, screaming and telling him that he was the cause of destroying his life when he killed Tyam's son without guilt, and that his guilt would be in his offspring for the next eight hundred years.

Since Tiam sent this message, his news had been cut off for twenty years and we did not know anything about him after that. He was waiting for twenty years to pass until Khalid grows up and reaches the expected age for the war that we did not know its type, how it will be, and where it will take place.

Khalid grew up and became a young strong man who trained well in the art of war. His father informed him about the expected fate and that he must be prepared at any moment when the prophet Tiam appears and sends another message to remind him that the time for war between his tribe and the tribe of the prophet has come, and that he must be ready and alert at any time.

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