New Girl in Town

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{A/N} I know, I know, typical first chapter huh... First time writing one of these so don't kill me if it sucks :P also I can't make this ENTIRE thing just Christophe, so there's going to be a few chapters that won't include him a lot. But don't worry! I promise there will be romance! xD trust me!
Also for those who don't know:
A/N= Author's note
y/n= your name
f/n= first name, l/n= last name
h/c= hair color
F/c= favorite color
(y/n) stared out the window of her father's old Chevy, fogging the window with her breath and aimlessly doodling whatever came to mind. "Dad?"
"What, honey?" Her father replied, glancing in the mirror to see her staring at nothing in particular with a bored look on her face.
"When are we gonna get there? I'm dying of boredom here!" (y/n) answered, continuing to draw on the window. "Well, we passed through Fairplay a little while ago, so my guess is probably in another 45 minutes."


The crunching of pebbles and snow under the car's tires as it lurched to a stop jolted (y/n) from her daydream, and she sat up to see a plain-looking light blue house. "This is it then?"
"Dad, really?"
(y/n)'s dad chuckled. "How about you take some things up to your room? I think it's the first one at the top of the stairs on the left."
"Thanks dad."

~Your P.O.V~

After some rearranging, you had found a place for most of your clothes, movies, and other random junk. You flopped onto your bed in exhaustion. Why did a couple boxes feel so heavy? "When they each weigh like, 20 pounds or more and there's a lot of them?" You thought back to yourself. Hoisting yourself off of the sheets, you pulled a hoodie over your T-shirt and put a pair of boots on. You figured a little fresh air would calm your mind about this whole "moving to an entirely new town with strange people"ordeal. "See ya later, dad!" You called, stepping onto the snow-covered driveway. You took your (f/c) headphones out and put your favorite song on, stepping to the beat down the sidewalk.
You wandered around for a while, not really sure of what to do. You guessed you had been out for about 40 minutes, and you figured you should probably start heading home so your dad wouldn't freak out or anything. He was kinda over-protective sometimes, but he usually let you do your own thing. You met a few kids on the way back, exchanging a few hello's and some introductions. You felt a little less worried about going to school, even though you only had one day to get accustomed to things.


You pushed through the crowd of students, trying hard not to be rude and shove anyone. It was hard, when most of them were lazily filing their way into the different classrooms, not bothering to move out of the way or make room. It was your first day, and you were NOT going to be late. No sir. You looked down at your schedule, which was a bit crumpled from being in your pocket. "Looks like I'm in room A10." You mumbled to yourself. Once you found the classroom, you hurriedly sat down in one of the desks near the back, along with a few other students. The desks slowly begin filling up as more and more students came through the door. Once the teacher, Mr. Garrison (just go with it) walked in, the chatter in the room died down as the kids tried to focus on what they knew would be a boring lesson. Mr. Garrison then called you up to the front of the class and told you to introduce yourself. You were shaking a little, and you hoped no one could see your nervousness. "Um, hi, my name is (y/n)." You said, looking at the floor. "Uh huh and could you tell us something about yourself, (y/n)?" Mr. Garrison asked, to which you replied, "I ,uh- I like to play videogames." You saw some of the boy's faces light up at this, and when you walked back to your desk some of them even fist-bumped you. As you sat down, you felt someone looking at you. Turing your head, your (e/c) eyes met with a pair of brown ones, and upon further inspection, found that they belonged to a very handsome face.
You quickly turned your head away and fixed your eyes on the front of the room, hoping that the boy didn't see the blush that flashed across your cheeks. Keeping your head facing the teacher, you pretended to be interested, while your eyes cautiously looked at the boy sitting next to you. You took in his features. He had dark, messy brown hair, pale skin, and small rings around his eyes. There was also an unlit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. He didn't seem to be like the other kids in the classroom. He just had something different about him, but you couldn't quite figure out what. A note hitting your desk made you tense a little and snap your attention away from the odd boy. You looked around the room to see who threw it, but no one seemed to be trying to get your attention. Carefully unfolding the note and making sure Mr. Garrison didn't see it, you glanced at the writing. "I know you don't know me, but my name is Kyle. I'm the guy with the orange jacket and green hat. You seem pretty cool, I was just wondering if you wanted to come and hang out with us at lunch or something?" You smiled. It was only the first day and someone actually noticed you! You wrote back, "Sure, I guess I'll see you at lunch! Thanks for the offer!


You picked up your lunchtray from the cafeteria chef, and it actually didn't look (or smell) that bad, unlike the food at your old school. Eventually you spotted the green-hat kid, Kyle, and headed over to his table. He saw you and waved to you, and you noticed three other boys; one with had an orange coat so tight around his face that you could only see his eyes and nose, one who was really fat, and one that had a brown coat and a blue and red poofball hat. You sat down next to Kyle and he began introducing you to the other boys, Kenny, Stan, and Cartman. "Dude why the hell did you invite a GIRL to our table?" The fat one asked. "Can it, fatass." Kyle fired back. "Ay! Don't call me fat you goddamn Jew!"
"Shut the hell up, lard face!"
"Jesus Christ, here we go again." Stan said, rolling his eyes.

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