Ch. 2

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"Morning, Shiro" riki exclaimed as he was looking at his pet octopus in his tank

"You're cute today, too." riki said to his pet octopus

riki really loves his pet, Shiro (octopus)- as well as his classmate-

Yang Jung-won.

"HEY, you're Late, Jungwon!!" His friends called out to him

"Sorry for being late" Jungwon laughed while running with bags in his hand

"Really, we're all getting ready" some boy says to Jungwon

"Did you bring the seasoning?" One of Jungwon's friends asked

"Yeah!" Jungwon exclaimed

"Today, all day long."

"I'll be cooking with Jungwon.." riki thought to himself

While riki was chopping up meat for the event he thought

"Even though I hate events like this.."

"I'm glad I came" riki thought as he was cutting up meat

Indeed today is the long-awaited festival day.

Even though riki is shy the reason he is uncomfortable with today's event is not the event itself but-

"Hey, it's here!" A classmate yelled out

"Leading actors of our octopus dumping stall"

"The octopuses!" The teacher exclaimed as he opened the box of octopuses from the fish store

"Look at that!" Some boy yelled out

"They're alive!"

"I put some effort in it" the teacher said

"Octopus... so cute!" Riki thought in his head as he was looking at the octopuses the teacher brought in

"So you're all gathered here."

"Come on, time to start cooking" a classmate said

"All right. You do it!" A boy said to the girls

"Huh?! No way, octopuses are gross!" A girl replied while backing away

"Also it's alive which is even more gross" the girl added

Riki then felt pissed because his classmates were dissing the octopuses

"HEY! I went to great lengths to buy them fresh!"

"HURRY UP AND START!" The teacher yelled to the students

"Huh, we can't. It's gross" the girls said

"Is there anyone who dare touch it?!" The girl asked while looking terrified from the octopuses

"What's with them?" Riki thought as he felt annoyed

"You're the one thats gross" riki thought while feeling pissed as he looked at the girls whining to the teacher

"Come here, cute octopus." Riki said as he picked up a octopus

Riki was so happy to pet the octopus and play with it
As riki was playing with the octopus Jungwon was looking at him

"Wow, Nishmura riki..." some girl muttered while looking at riki as he was playing with the octopus

"Hah, good for nothing humans like you guys"

"Can never understand the charm octopuses have" riki thought while still playing with the octopus

"Oh. But.."

"Jungwon might be taken back by this." Riki suddenly thought

"I also stepped on his napkin" riki thought

"What should I do? I'm sure this side of me grosses him out" riki thought in his head as he glanced over at jungwon

"Woah!" Jungwon said as he picked up an octopus

"Huh, Jungwon did it!!"

"You okay?"

"Yeah I am." Jungwon giggled as he was playing with the octopus

"My beloved octopus and Jungwon are..."

"Together" riki thought as he was looking at Jungwon playing with the octopus

"He looks so cute" riki thought in his head

"Ah.. Hey, stop it" Jungwon giggled as the octopus was grabbing onto his body

"We'll cook you now" jungwon added as he was trying to push off the octopus

"Let's hurry and prepare it." Jungwon said while smiling at me

"Oh.." riki muttered


The octopus then squirted ink at nishimura riki
The ink was dripping off of riki as he stood still in shock

"WAHAHAHA" the classmate laughed

"ARE YOU OKAY?, RIKI?" Jungwon giggled as he put the octopus down and went to check on riki

"This is my punishment..." riki quietly thought to himself


Thank you for reading this far!! If you enjoyed please comment and vote my story :)
Have an amazing day/afternoon/ morning etc..

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