Will Grayson IV- "Yet"

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When you have older brother you eventually get used to have his friends around the house.

And eventually you start like one of them more than you suppose to.

And other way around.


Y/n was sitting in her room doing everything other then homework. She couldn't even go downstairs to watch film because her older brother- B/n had his friends over. And Y/n was trying to avoid one of them at all cost.

But when her stomach started demand something to eat she didn't really had a choice than to go downstairs.

It didn't stoped her before looking in the mirror for 5 minutes to make sure she looked cute.

I mean if she's going to see him anyway at least she could look nice, right?

When she got downstairs she sow few guys from her school on the couch or sitting on the ground before couch.

Few of them send her quick smile, a wave or a nod not paying much attention to her.

But one set of eyes stayed on her when she went to the kitchen. And it was pair of eyes she cared for.

She tried to play it cool. Like she didn't just spend 5 minutes in the mirror thinking what he could think about when he saw her. Maybe it was embarrassing to admit but she didn't care.

If William Grayson IV was giving her the look it was a win for her.

Getting to the kitchen she decided to do some cookies for her and her brother, she will get in his good grades and kill time.

After a 20 minutes she finished the dough, added some chocolate chips and put them to the oven.

Waiting for cookies to bake she heard doorbell at front door going off few times. Whoever was ringing the door was not patient.

Thats weird.

"Y/NN CAN YOU ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR?" She heard her brother yelling from living room.

"OKAY! GOD." She yelled back annoyed.

She got to the door opening them and finding person she never wanted to see again.

And definitely not at her house.

"Hey Y/n. I was hoping we could talk?"

"No we can't. I thought I made that perfectly clear when I broke up with you few months ago."

Y/n ex was standing before her asking to talk and it was not something she expected today or ever.

Not after everything he put her thru.

He snorted shaking his head and then looking at her.

"Don't be like that. I came here for you, we both know you miss me. And don't worry, I miss you to."

Y/n frowned in disgust at his statement.

Yea, it was definitely not something she expected today.

"Goodbye Ex/n" she said trying to shut the door at his face. But before she cold shut the dore completely he stuck his feet between the door.

And the noise bring attention to B/n and his friends. He looked behind him to look at the door and saw a face he beat up with Will few months ago.

"Oh hell no" he mutter to himself jumping off the couch.

Will turned around to look what B/n was talking about.
And what he saw make him furious. He followed his friend to the door where Y/n was practically yelling at her ex to leave.

When Ex/n looked up and saw who just stoped behind her his confidence disappeared and in his eyes was just fear.

"I thing you should go now" Will said with his arm sliding to Y/n waist and bringing her to her, so her back was pressed to his chest.

Ex/n looked between Will and Y/n and unexpectedly smirk.

"Oh. I see what is going on here. We are not together for what? Few months and you're already go sleep with someone else? Jezus your such a slut! You hear me? A slut!" He said yelling in her face so loud making rest of B/n friends stop the conversation and listen.

Will clenched his jaw getting more angry each second. He pushed Y/n behind him and step really close in his face ready to throw a punch at any moment.

"Watch your mouth, pretty boy or you will end up like last time."

Y/n panicked and step between two boys facing Will. She put both of her hands on his chest pushing him gently to the house.
Boy didn't brake eye contact with boy before him but he stepped back in the house.

Y/n hande slide in his and she pulled him to the couch next to the boys who came back to previous conversations.

Will sitting back pulled girl with him so she ended up on his on his lap with her back against his chest.
With his arms snakeing around Y/n waist, he put  his head in the corner of her neck.
She could feel his warm breath on her ear when he said.

"I hope you didn't get with anyone after this prick, because we would have a problem" Y/n only laugh quietly with little shake of head.

"Why do you care? Your not my boyfriend."

The only respond she had was a bite on the ear and a quiet statement.


She pushed down her hair to hide blush that creeped on her cheeks.
Few minutes later weird smell came down to her. And then the realization hit her, and she quickly jump off Wills lap and run to the kitchen.

"Oh no! My cookies!"

And all she heard in return was laud laughing from boys in the living room.



I'm so sorry for a long wait, I honestly had so many ideas but I couldn't put them to the end.

Who do we do next?

Do we won't maybe some smut?

If you like it please vote and comment it really make me feel amazing when I see that 💜

I hope you have great day/night and I hope to see you soon
~ Mrozzo💌💌

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