The meeting

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I hope you enjoy.

"Could something for me?...Please."

A soft quaking voice whispered.

The room fell back into its ambiguous silence. Still and static as neither persons occupying the space warp the set atmosphere with words or actions.

The woman's eyes softened. She whimpered, and upon her soft plump lips a solemn smile began to form.

She nor he had both still said nothing. Yet, within that stark monotone room, she felt a growth of relief.

A short pause was taken to formulate her next words. Then, within the following moments, she told the sole person overshadowing her the selfish request.


"Papa I'm home!" Called out the fluffy hair blonde dressed in a white komono and peach pink andon bakama(tube skirt). She was very short in stature thus incapable of opening up the yards gate without standing on her tippy toes.

Once she crossed past it, she ran towards the familiar figure of her father, with short black hair tied up into a tiny ponytail.

Her teacher stopped at the gate. The gentle tone of her voice, following right behind the daughters as she also greets the lanky man with a clement "Excuse me."

When the the bold cut woman bowed, the father responded with a grunt but not before halting his daughter who burst pass him with a leisure smile.

It was not long after reaching the tiny patch of land with a rigidity house built in the middle that the blue eyed child saw him.

"What's this?" He asked with her collar within his grip. The tiny girl squeaked, then cocked her head containing those large blue eyes towards him, feigning innocence as she focus on him with a probing bright smile.

The father sighed then looked towards the middle school teacher bound in a light and dark brown kimono.

"I'm sorry for coming here, Mr. Ryuuji," The woman said with a soft smile. "but it was necessary to notify you about the schools field trip next week. We gave each student a letter to deliver to their parents but it seems Esther been loosing hers for the pats two weeks now."

The father side eyed his mischievous daughter.

"Is that so." He Posed the simple question to her rather than the teacher.

The teacher knew this but still responded.

"I've come to know that even girls are into ruff housing now a days" Uiharu shook her head with a accepting smile. " ,and that Esther is known as the queen of the school also because of it." She shrugged then sighed. "Even knowing her for this long, that came as a big surprise, but there hasn't been a problem pertaining that issue, in fact the boys have calmed down sum because of her." Uiharu explained, and Esther saw this as her chance.

"Yea, yea. And Its not like there is so much of a problem with notifying you now. The trip isn't until next week. The school only needs parents for permission before hand for safety and organization reason, you know."

Watching his daughters flimsy excuse, Ryuuji raise his brow; At it which Esther chuckle a nervous laugh. But not long after he let her off the hook and she brushed fully past him while leaving behind the words "starting dinner." as she ran up the wooden steps.

Ryuuji then rubbed his neck and gave another of his notorious sighs. Uiharu tittered listening to it but before Ryuuji could turn back around, reaffixed her facial expressions.

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