tow. 🥀 the darkest night 🥀

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"I'm omar. What's your name?" He asked a bit uneasy.
"Oh! That's a nice name omar. Im strike. Haven't seen you around. I said that two times didn't I." He said and sat down very heavily.
"That's cool. I've never seen you either I was a bit confused. Also yea you did I believe." Omar said and smiled.
"That's okay usually people are uneasy when they see me but really I'm a good dragon. Very responsible well sorta. the only reason I look like this is because of the war." Strike said and looked around at the crowd of dragons that formed not to long ago.

Omar looked around at the stands and food that surrounded them. Dragons where chattering, screaming, running around, and a bigger crowd of  nightwings arrived. Some dragonets played with toys or tackled eachother bringing smiles to the volcano dragons. The dragons behind the stands looked very happy. Smiles, and laughter. Omar was a bit shy when it came to large crowds of dragons.

"I never thought you where ugly or scary? Your just a dragon who's different but thats fine. All dragons are different in different ways." Omar replied and scooched closer to strike.
Strike smiled and stood up.

"Follow me omar will you. I want you to meet a prisoner they just caught." Strike said and trotted away down the tunnel.
"Why do we have prisoners?" Omar said with a voice crack covering his snout with his talon.
"Well. So we dont get attacked. Omar. Have you heard of the war?" Strike said trotting faster down the tunnels.
"No? I've asked multiple times no one has ever told me they always ignore me. Im kinda an outcast." Omar said catching up.

Strike stopped at the door that lead to a dungeon.
The dungeon walls where cement and the roof was covered in moss and bugs.
The prisoners where held behind bars that were silver with moss lining up them.
Strike stopped in front of a specific one.

"Who are you?" Omar asked the dragon behind bars.
"I'm monarch. I'm a rainwing! I'm in the divination! I'm mean stay back!" She said.

Omar jumped back as she snapped her snout at him through the bars that held her in a room apart from the other dragon prisoners. She started reaching through the bars at strike with one talon.

Omar looked very uncomfortable as he stated at the unhappy dragons.

"Move your hand" strike said with his face looking annoyed and smacked her hand back into the cell.

She yellped in pain as a red mark formed on her forearm causing her to stumble backwards clawing at her burn.

"You burned me!" She said her scales turning red.

"Oh I'm sorry." Strike said sarcastically and looked at omar with smile.

Omar gave strike an unpleasant look. Strike then turned back to monarch with a casual face once again.

"You guys wanna get out of this volcano? Its exhausting in here. See what the world looks like for yourselves." Strike said and smiled.

Omar and monarch looked at eachother and back at strike with wide eyes.

"Sure?" They both said at the same time.

Omar couldn't wait to see what the outside truly looked like. He waited 6 years for this and finally its coking true. He jumped in excitement as strike and Monarch looked at him with the same uncomfortable expressions.

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