tow. 🍄 the escape 🍄

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Omar looked down at his talons and realized he was yellow.

"What am I? I'm not a nightwing? They lied to me for six years." Omar said and looked up at strike.

"Your a sandwing omar. You dont belong here." Strike said.

"Is that supposed to be rude? Cause your not helping!" Omar said looking mad.

Strike sighed and picked the pale up again and trotted over to his cave once again.

"Omar. Are you okay? I'm sorry you had to find out this way strike could have showed you better." Monarch said putting her wing around him.

"I'm not okay. I thought I was truly a nightwing my entire life. Just for a bucket of cold water to be dumped on me and the truth then spilled out of my true identity. This isnt fair." Omar replied.

Strike trotted back out and stood there confused.
Omar looked at him.

"Let's go. Were talking to the queen." Omar announced and stood up.
"Already?" Strike said trotting over to him.
"Yes let's go strike, and monarch." Omar said trotting over to the doors.
"Are you sure right now is the time to talk to her? Isnt she talking to storm?" Strike replied.
"Strike? How do you know that?" Omar said turning around getting the creeps once again.
"Everyone knows. The queen sent him to find the dragonets. She wants them dead." Strike said and trotted over to omar.
"She wants us dead?" Monarch said in shock.
"Yea? You didnt know that. I honestly thought the whole volcano new. That's why I'm trying to get you guys out of here before that happens." Strike said opening the doors.

They trotted out of the dungeons and into the open space once again. A line of rock went over the lava that fell below them. The lava traveled like a orange river down a meadow. Dragons flew around above and below them traveling to there destinations.
The three dragons flew down to the rocks below and landed onto a small platform that lead to the lava. They walked into a small dark pathway that lead them back to the tunnels they were before.

"So this is what the volcano looks like out of the dungeons." Monarch said.
"Basicslly just a bunch of tunnels." Strike replied.

They ran down the tunnel and into more tunnels that finally lead them to the queens room.
They knocked on the doors and the doors opened and the queen stepped into the light and spread her wings.

"Yes?" The queen asked.
"Were here to talk to you" strike said and looked around at the guards.
"In private" he replied.

The queen waved one talon in the air and gestured them to follow after her. She wondered back into her room as the other dragons followed right behind her.
The queen then went behind a desk and slouched into the chair behind it. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began wrighting.

"Ahem. Are you just going to stand there or are you going to speak?" She said looking back up at them and down to her paper again grabbing her glasses.

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