Chapter One - Welcome To Hogwarts, Potter

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Matteo Riddle was used to people shying away from him. He was a Riddle after all. His father was Tom Riddle, most people know him as Lord Voldemort but Matteo refuses to call him that. Mainly because it pisses his dad off but mostly because Matteo hates his father, hates him for what he's done to the poor boy all his life. The only people who truly mattered to him was his group of friends at Hogwarts, Draco, Theo, Enzo, Pansy and Blaise.

The golden trio have been giving Matteo and his friends problems since their first year. It's not that Matteo hated them, because he actually didn't....surprisingly. Matteo just hated that they assumed he was like his father. Instead of trying to get to know Matteo they have pointed their finger in his direction every time something has gone wrong.

Matteo knows his father's plans, he's had to sit in and listen for as long as he could remember. But that still doesn't mean that he has taken part of anything his father has done to try and get to Harry Potter or his sister. If anything Matteo has been hiding in the shadows helping Harry without him realizing. His father was furious when he found out that the Potter twins where separated, because it ruined his plans which Matteo secretly loved.

There were quite a few things Matteo was good at, he was great at playing the part that was expected of him, the bad boy, a Riddle. It's not that Matteo wasn't bad, he had anger issues and would get into fights at a drop of a hat. He was fiercely protective of his friends which meant that fighting was inevitable. He didn't always respect the professors but only the ones who had bias against him, which Matteo felt was justifiable.

Matteo was a very gifted wizard and he was extremely smart. He was top of his class and honestly one of the most brilliant wizards to grace Hogwarts, which scared a lot of people, professors and students alike. It's only fitting that Matteo was a prefect and Head Boy for Slytherin, which could sometimes really bite him in the ass whenever his friends were involved.

Everyone was in the great hall enjoying dinner. Something was different in the air. Matteo couldn't quite put a finger on the change of energy but he could feel it surging. They were in their sixth year and Matteo was ready to be done. He's made it through the last few years but he was exhausted.

Dumbledore stood up to his podium, a hush falling over the students giving him their attention.

"It is my pleasure to announce that we have a new student joining our hallowed halls. She comes from Beauxbatons Academy, joining our six years. She is an extortionary witch and I believe she will do great things here at Hogwarts." he says the moment the doors open. Matteo moves his eyes to the entrance of the door.

His breath hitches when he sees her, the most brilliantly beautiful girl comes walking down the aisle towards Dumbledore. Her hair was long and raven black, her eyes were a piercing shade of light green. Her lips were full and plump. Then Matteo saw it, it wasn't as noticeable as Harry's was, actually you would have to be staring at her the way Matteo was to notice it but it was there. A small lighting bolt scar on her forehead.

"Please welcome, Emma Potter." Dumbledore announces. Whispers erupted in the great hall. "Can you believe it, another Potter?" Pansy says. "Probably another Gryffindor" Draco scoffs. "I don't care what she is, she's hot." Theo states. No she's bloody gorgeous Matteo thought. His eyes haven't looked away as he continued to watch her.

Her hips swayed a little more seductively then she meant too. She held her hands together walking elegantly just like she had been taught all these years at Beauxbatons. She could see the eyes on her, the boys eyes trailing up and down her body, drinking her in. The girls jealous faces as some of them give her dirty looks, she was worried about what coming here would mean for her.

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now