Some shit???

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The god of despair had been sealed and White Star had been killed but due to Cale's stab wound he faints.

And when he opens his eyes
He finds himself to be in......

"Ugh Where the fuck am I." Cale said with displeasure, ofcourse he knew he was in the GoD's domain but still he it necessary to ask cause he also wanted to know whether he had died or not cause if he had then well his whole family would destroy the world.

"Ah my child- i mean sensei you are awake." GoD revealed himself and said.


"..the fuck." Cale said clearly confused.

" Sensei? When was i your fucking sensei."

"Have i not removed the seal?" GoD said with apology and confusion written all over his face.

"Then please wait sensei for this might hurt." Saying this the GoD started saying some kind of spell and Cale then started suffering from excruciating pain.

"W-wait ugh.. W-what aghh seal a-are you fgh fucking ta-talking abou-" Cale said even when the pain was making him unable to speak and soon everything went pitch black.



After a lot of panic,

"Eruhaben-nim, Mila-nim what is this light coming out of Cale-nim's body." Choi Han spoke with concern and viscousness written all over his face.

"T-this can't be, this is the holy light that only one God can emit and that is the Supreme God." Cage spoke with astonishment written all over her face.

"This is the awakening of a God." Saint Jack said with a low whisper which was heard due to the silence in the room.


Everyone was left speechless while the Hyung of the unconscious sacrificial person thought

'What shit are you pulling this time dear dongseang.'


What did the GoD mean and what did Cale see after his seal is removed? What do Cage and Jack mean?

You will find out all of this in the next chapter till then give ideas for some ships to use in this fanfiction.

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